c - Android mouse cursor event /dev/uinput not moving on Y axis -

i'm trying move cursor mouse on android using /dev/uinput , ioctl.

here code :

int fd = -1; struct input_event ev;  int uinput_open_device() { fd = open("/dev/uinput", o_wronly | o_nonblock); if (fd < 0) {     __android_log_print(android_log_debug, "code c", "failed open event");     return -1; } return fd; }  int dev_uinput_init_mouse(char *name) { struct uinput_user_dev dev;  fd = uinput_open_device(); if (fd > 0) {     ioctl(fd, ui_set_evbit, ev_key);     ioctl(fd, ui_set_keybit, btn_left);      ioctl(fd, ui_set_evbit, ev_rel);     ioctl(fd, ui_set_relbit, rel_x);     ioctl(fd, ui_set_relbit, rel_y);      memset(&dev, 0, sizeof(dev));     strncpy(dev.name, name, uinput_max_name_size);      dev.id.bustype = bus_usb;     dev.id.vendor  = 0x1;     dev.id.product = 0x1;     dev.id.version = 1;      if (write(fd, &dev, sizeof(dev)) < 0) {         __android_log_print(android_log_debug, "code c", "failed write");         close(fd);     }      if (ioctl(fd, ui_dev_create) < 0) {         __android_log_print(android_log_debug, "ioctl", "create failed...");         close(fd);         return -1;     } } return fd;  void dev_uinput_sync(int fd) { memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(struct input_event));  ev.type = ev_syn; ev.code = syn_report; ev.value = 0; if (write(fd, &ev, sizeof(struct input_event)) < 0) {     __android_log_print(android_log_debug, "code c", "failed write"); } else {     __android_log_print(android_log_debug, "code c", "sync ok !"); } }  void ptr_abs(int fd, int x, int y) { memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(struct input_event)); ev.type = ev_rel; ev.code = rel_x; ev.value = x; write(fd, &ev, sizeof(struct input_event))  memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(struct input_event)); ev.type = ev_rel; ev.code = rel_y; ev.value = y; write(fd, &ev, sizeof(struct input_event); dev_uinput_sync(fd); }  void dev_uinput_close(int fd) { ioctl(fd, ui_dev_destroy); close(fd); }  jniexport void jnicall java_com_example_hellojni_hellojni_mousesimulation(jnienv *env,    jobject instance, jint absx, jint absy) { ptr_abs(fd, absx, absy); }  jniexport void jnicall java_com_example_hellojni_hellojni_openfd(jnienv *env, jobject instance) { dev_uinput_init_mouse("uinput-sample-test"); }  jniexport void jnicall java_com_example_hellojni_hellojni_closefd(jnienv *env, jobject instance) { dev_uinput_close(fd); } 

all these functions called through service in android application. function java_com_example_hellojni_hellojni_mousesimulation(int xaxis, int yaxis) called value xaxis , yaxis on screen can see mouse moving on x axis , not on y axis.

for example, if call java_com_example_hellojni_hellojni_mousesimulation(200, 100) cursor move 200 pixels on x axis , nothing on y axis.

as can see movement executed function void ptr_abs(int fd, int x, int y)

the write on function not fail. enabled movement on y axis using ioctl on rel_y function.

i'm compiling code on android api 19.

thank !

the problem solved... removed every __android_log_print , condition in every write function , works...



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