angular - Angular2/Ionic2 + ng2-dragula Did anyone get it to work? -

im trying add drag , drop ionic 2 app. can't work.

this have done far:

npm install ng2-dragula dragula --save 

then in page:

@component({   templateurl: 'build/pages/dragtest/dragtest.html',   directives: [dragula],   viewproviders: [dragulaservice], }) export class dragtestpage {   constructor(private nav: navcontroller) {   } } 

but when add [dragula] tags, error: can't bind 'dragula' since isn't know native property.

did 1 work ionic 2, there examples?

i think miss import statement:

import {dragulaservice, dragula} 'ng2-dragula/ng2-dragula';

i tried seems ide can't find directory 'ng2-dragula' (red text in php storm)


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