php - Laravel Eloquent - how to relate table to another by two fields -

having 2 tables user , mail


\mail \--|id \--|user_id \--|from_user_id \--|other_fields 


\user \--|id \--|name \--|other_fields 

the mail table related user 2 fields => user_id , from_user_id, how use eloquent fetch data related user inbox , outbox(sent) 1 user?

not sure how models have been defined, should work.

namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\model;  class mail extends model {     public function user()     {         return $this->hasone('app\user');     }      public function from_user()     {         return $this->hasone('app\user', 'id', 'from_user_id');     } } 

then fetch, use: $from_user = $mail->from_user

adjust namespaces according how they've been defined in application.


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