winapi - Why SHCreateItemFromIDList faild? -

    tchar temp[max_path] = { 0, };     hresult hr = null;     pidlist_absolute pidl; //=lpitemidlist     ishellitem2 *_psidrop=null;     hresult hr = coinitializeex(null, coinit_apartmentthreaded | coinit_disable_ole1dde); //must add this!     shparsedisplayname(l"c:\\", null, &pidl, 0, null);     if (shgetpathfromidlist(pidl, temp))     {         wprintf(l"%s\n", temp);     }     hr = shcreateitemfromidlist(pidl, iid_ppv_args(&_psidrop));     if (failed(hr))     {         wprintf(l"shcreateitemfromidlist failed");     } 

how can initialize ishellitem2 use pidlist_absolute ? _psidrop has been null.


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