amazon web services - aws efs connection timeout at mount -

i following this tutorial mount efs on aws ec2 instance when iam executing mount command

sudo mount -t nfs4 -o vers=4.1 $(curl -s[efs-id].efs.[region] efs 

i getting connection time out every time.

mount.nfs4: connection timed out 

what may problem here?

thanks in advance!

the connection timed out on efs happens due not adding security group port 22 open public ec2 instance on mounting efs. adding sec grp make issue go.


along opening port 22 need add vpc's default security group efs connect ec2 instance. mentioned in tutorial

this ensures instance member of security group amazon efs file system mount target authorize connection in step 2: create amazon efs file system.

p.s.: forgot add default security group instance thats why getting connection timeout error.


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