unificationengine - Posting a Tweet with Unification Engine -

when adding connection using twitter connector offered unification engine, parameters need used , how passed in uri?

to send tweet use

curl -xpost https://apiv2.unificationengine.com/v2/message/send \ --data "{ \"message\": { \"receivers\": [{\"name\": \"name\", \"address\": \"twitter_handle\" , \"connector\": \"unique_connection_identifier\"}],\"parts\": [{\"id\": \"1\",\"contenttype\": \"text/plain\", \"data\":\"message_content\" ,\"size\": message_content_size,\"type\": \"body\",\"sort\":0}]}}" \ -u user_accesskey:user_accesssecret -k 

where user_accesskey:user_accesssecret got when add user using ue_appkey:ue_appsecret

curl -xpost https://apiv2.unificationengine.com/v2/user/create -u ue_appkey:ue_appsecret \ --data '{}' -k 

response data:

{"status":200,"info":"200 ok","uri":"user://user_accesskey:user_accesssecret"} 


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