swift - How can I add a little white tick to SSRadioButton -

the following code. want add little white tick middle when clicked button. how can programming not using image...

import foundation import uikit  @ibdesignable class ssradiobutton: uibutton {  private var circlelayer = cashapelayer() private var fillcirclelayer = cashapelayer() override var selected: bool {     didset {         togglebuton()     } } /**     color of radio button circle. default value uicolor red. */ @ibinspectable var circlecolor: uicolor = uicolor.redcolor() {     didset {         circlelayer.strokecolor = circlecolor.cgcolor         self.togglebuton()     } } /**     radius of radiobutton circle. */ @ibinspectable var circleradius: cgfloat = 5.0 @ibinspectable var cornerradius: cgfloat {     {         return layer.cornerradius     }     set {         layer.cornerradius = newvalue         layer.maskstobounds = newvalue > 0     } }  private func circleframe() -> cgrect {     var circleframe = cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 2*circleradius, height: 2*circleradius)     circleframe.origin.x = 0 + circlelayer.linewidth     circleframe.origin.y = bounds.height/2 - circleframe.height/2     return circleframe }  required init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) {     super.init(coder: adecoder)     initialize() }  override init(frame: cgrect) {     super.init(frame: frame)     initialize() }  private func initialize() {     circlelayer.frame = bounds     circlelayer.linewidth = 2     circlelayer.fillcolor = uicolor.clearcolor().cgcolor     circlelayer.strokecolor = circlecolor.cgcolor     layer.addsublayer(circlelayer)     fillcirclelayer.frame = bounds     fillcirclelayer.linewidth = 2     fillcirclelayer.fillcolor = uicolor.clearcolor().cgcolor     fillcirclelayer.strokecolor = uicolor.clearcolor().cgcolor     layer.addsublayer(fillcirclelayer)     self.titleedgeinsets = uiedgeinsetsmake(0, (4*circleradius + 4*circlelayer.linewidth), 0, 0)     self.togglebuton() } /**     toggles selected state of button. */ func togglebuton() {     if self.selected {         fillcirclelayer.fillcolor = circlecolor.cgcolor     } else {         fillcirclelayer.fillcolor = uicolor.clearcolor().cgcolor     } }  private func circlepath() -> uibezierpath {     return uibezierpath(ovalinrect: circleframe()) }  private func fillcirclepath() -> uibezierpath {     return uibezierpath(ovalinrect: cgrectinset(circleframe(), 2, 2)) }  override func layoutsubviews() {     super.layoutsubviews()     circlelayer.frame = bounds     circlelayer.path = circlepath().cgpath     fillcirclelayer.frame = bounds     fillcirclelayer.path = fillcirclepath().cgpath     self.titleedgeinsets = uiedgeinsetsmake(0, (2*circleradius + 4*circlelayer.linewidth), 0, 0) }  override func prepareforinterfacebuilder() {     initialize() } } 

something this?

enter image description here

you achieve using uibezierpath draw couple of lines make tick. unless looking more fancy or curvy? answer question: draw line uibezierpath has nice little function simplifies process of drawing lines.


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