arrays - How to parse Dictionary value and pass into class modal in swift? -

my json data

{  "addon_items" : [                      {                       "aname" : "",                       "id" : "2588",                       "name" : "plain nan",                       "order" : "1",                       "aid" : "259",                       "sub_add_items" : "",                       "icon" : "",                       "status" : "1",                       "next" : "0",                       "price" : "0.60"                      },                      {                       "aname" : "",                       "id" : "2589",                       "name" : "pitta bread",                       "order" : "2",                       "aid" : "259",                       "sub_add_items" : "",                       "icon" : "",                       "status" : "1",                       "next" : "0",                       "price" : "0.00"                     }                     ],   "addon" : {              "description" : "please choose nan bread",              "aname" : "",              "id" : "259",              "icon" : "",              "limit" : "1",              "special_addon" : "",              "next" : "165"            }  } 

i created 3 class models named addonresponse, addon, addonitems this:

addonresponse class model

class addonresponse {  var addon: [string: anyobject]? var addonitems: array<anyobject>?  init(addon:[string: anyobject]?,addonitems: array<anyobject>?){     self.addon = addon     self.addonitems = addonitems  } } 

addon class model

class addon {   var id: int? var icon: string? var desc: string? var limit: int? var next: int? var aname: string? var specialaddon: int?  init(id: int?,icon: string?,desc: string?,limit: int?,next: int?,aname: string?,specialaddon: int?){ = id     self.icon = icon     self.desc = desc     self.limit = limit = next     self.aname = aname     self.specialaddon = specialaddon    }  } 

addonitems class model

class addonitems {   var id: int? var aid: int? var name: string? var price: int? var order: int? var status: int? var next: int? var aname: string? var subadditems: int? var icon: string?  init(id: int?,aid: int?,name: string?,price: int?,order: int?,status: int?,next: int?,aname: string?,subadditems: int?,icon: string?){ = id     self.aid = aid = name     self.price = price     self.order = order     self.status = status = next     self.aname = aname     self.subadditems = subadditems     self.icon = icon    }  } 

now fetching json data using alamofire when passing data addon model using object getting nil value.

    var addonresponses = [addonresponse]()      alamofire.request(.get, myaddonurl)         .validate()         .responsejson         {   response in             switch response.result             {             case .success:                 if let value = response.result.value{                     let json = json(value)                     print(json)                     print(json["addon"].arrayvalue)                    let addonres = addonresponse(addon: json["addon"].object as? [string : anyobject],                                  addonitems: json["addon_items"].arrayobject)               print(addonres.addon) 

the addon , addonitems data coming here in class model. when passing data addon modal here getting nil..

                (_,content) in json["addon"]{                          let addon = addon(id: int(content["id"].stringvalue),                                           icon: content["icon"].string,                                           desc: content["description"].string,                                           limit: int(content["limit"].stringvalue),                                           next: int(content["next"].stringvalue),                                           aname: content["aname"].string,                                           specialaddon: int(content["special_addon"].stringvalue)                                          )                             print(addon.desc) /// nil value                      } 

so how parse addon data , pass class model..


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