Should I store the ID token persistently in Google sign in? -

i using google sign-in in app, , send id token backhand server user signed in , id token retrieved. add id token header of each http request, , validate it, user's id , respond data app. wondering if ok store id token persistently , use future request. id token change or expire time? if so, how new id token? can't find approach other asking user sign in again. or should validate id token once , use id directly in future requests?

don't store id token. google id tokens issued 1 hour validity , expire, can use silentsignin in app new 1 without user interaction. if existing token hasn't expired yet, (cached) version (optionalpendingresult returned have isdone() == true); if expired already, refreshed 1 (but take little longer , optionalpendingresult isdone() false).

here sample code (ui thread, see note below worker thread):

    googlesigninoptions gso = new googlesigninoptions.builder(googlesigninoptions.default_sign_in)             .requestidtoken(getstring(r.string.server_client_id))      mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(this)             .enableautomanage(this /* fragmentactivity */, /* onconnectionfailedlistener */)             .addapi(auth.google_sign_in_api, gso)             .build();  ...      optionalpendingresult<googlesigninresult> opr = auth.googlesigninapi.silentsignin(mgoogleapiclient);     if (opr.isdone()) {         // if user's cached credentials valid, optionalpendingresult "done"         // , googlesigninresult available instantly.         log.d(tag, "got cached sign-in");         googlesigninresult result = opr.get();         handlesigninresult(result);  // result.getsigninaccount().getidtoken(), etc.     } else {         // if user has not signed in on device or sign-in has expired,         // asynchronous branch attempt sign in user silently.  cross-device         // single sign-on occur in branch.         opr.setresultcallback(new resultcallback<googlesigninresult>() {             @override             public void onresult(googlesigninresult googlesigninresult) {                 handlesigninresult(googlesigninresult);  // result.getsigninaccount().getidtoken(), etc.             }         });     } 

keep in mind whether call silentsignin on ui thread or worker thread. if call on worker thread, take @ post blockingconnect() + await() simplifies code lot: silent sign in retrieve token googleapiclient


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