c - PIC 18F452 Life Timer Storage -
we storing timer in eeprom_write data wipes out due unknown reason. highly appreciated. in short if have code run life-timer ( mileage meter in bike, storage last stage on system poweroff , restore last point ) in pic 18f452, kindly share us.
<pre> /* ==============================lcd en rb0 pin # 33 rs rb1 pin # 34 d4 rb4 pin # 37 d5 rb5 pin # 38 d6 rb6 pin # 39 d7 rb7 pin # 40 microchip */ unsigned int time = 0; unsigned int sec=0; unsigned int minutes=0; unsigned int hour=0; char select_mode=0; unsigned int lt_minutes; unsigned int lt_hour; char txt2[]="0000000000"; char txt3[]="000000000000"; char txt4[]="0000000000"; char txt5[]="0000000000"; char txt10[]="000000000000"; char txt11[]="000000000000"; // lcd module connections sbit lcd_rs @ rb1_bit; sbit lcd_en @ rb0_bit; sbit lcd_d4 @ rb4_bit; sbit lcd_d5 @ rb5_bit; sbit lcd_d6 @ rb6_bit; sbit lcd_d7 @ rb7_bit; sbit lcd_rs_direction @ trisb1_bit; sbit lcd_en_direction @ trisb0_bit; sbit lcd_d4_direction @ trisb4_bit; sbit lcd_d5_direction @ trisb5_bit; sbit lcd_d6_direction @ trisb6_bit; sbit lcd_d7_direction @ trisb7_bit; // end lcd module connections //char uart_rd; char txt8[] = "tele fun"; char txt9[] = "0900-78601"; //timer1 //prescaler 1:8; tmr1 preload = 3035; actual interrupt time : 100 ms //place/copy part in declaration section void inittimer1(){ t1con = 0x31; tmr1if_bit = 0; tmr1h = 0x6d; tmr1l = 0x84; tmr1ie_bit = 1; intcon = 0xc0; } void interrupt(){ if (tmr1if_bit){ tmr1if_bit = 0; tmr1h = 0x6d; tmr1l = 0x84; //enter code here time++; // time 1 = 100ms, time 2 = 200ms if (time==10){ time=0; sec++; if (sec==60){sec=0;minutes++;lt_minutes++;} if (minutes==60){minutes=0;hour++;} if (lt_minutes==60){ //eeprom_write(0x03,lt_minutes); lt_minutes=0; lt_hour++; //eeprom_write(0x04,lt_hour); } if (lt_hour==9999){lt_hour=0;} } } } void main() { adcon0=0b00010101; adcon1=0b10001110; lcd_init(); // initialize lcd lcd_cmd(_lcd_clear); // clear display trise0_bit = 0; // set rb0 pin output trise1_bit = 0; lt_minutes = eeprom_read(0x03); if ((lt_minutes>=0)&&(lt_minutes<=60))lt_minutes = eeprom_read(0x03); else eeprom_write(0x03,0);lt_minutes = eeprom_read(0x03); delay_ms(10); if ((lt_hour>=0)&&(lt_hour<=9999))lt_hour = eeprom_read(0x04); else eeprom_write(0x04,0);lt_hour = eeprom_read(0x04); delay_ms(10); if (lt_hour==255){lt_hour=0;} lcd_cmd(_lcd_cursor_off); // cursor off inittimer1(); while (1) { // endless loop if (sec==15){ eeprom_write(0x03,lt_minutes); eeprom_write(0x04,lt_hour); } lcd_out(1,11," "); // write text in first row lcd_out(2,9," "); // write text in first row lcd_out(1,1,"lt"); // write text in first row lcd_out(2,1,"rt"); // write text in first row lcd_out(2,6,":"); // write text in first row lcd_out(1,8,":"); // write text in first row lcd_out(3,2,txt8); // write text in first row lcd_out(4,5,txt9); // write text in first row wordtostrwithzeros(minutes, txt2); wordtostrwithzeros(hour, txt3); eeprom_write(0x03,lt_minutes); eeprom_write(0x04,lt_hour); wordtostrwithzeros(lt_minutes, txt10); wordtostrwithzeros(lt_hour, txt11); lcd_chr(1,4,txt11[1]); // lt h lcd_chr(1,5,txt11[2]); // lt h lcd_chr(1,6,txt11[3]); // lt h lcd_chr(1,7,txt11[4]); // lt h lcd_chr(1,9,txt10[3]); // lt m lcd_chr(1,10,txt10[4]); // lt m lcd_chr(2,7,txt2[3]); lcd_chr(2,8,txt2[4]); lcd_chr(2,4,txt3[3]); lcd_chr(2,5,txt3[4]); } } <code>
if writing in eeprom @ time of power-off check how long takes write eeprom , think might loosing power totally before finished writing eeprom. putting capacitor between vcc-gnd store power might resolve if problem related hardware , missing @ time of power-off.
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