reactjs - Handling multiple onChange callbacks in a React component -

this how i'm handling scenario 2 input boxes. separate update method each one. can/should done single handlechange method instead?

class app extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);      this.handlechange1 = this.handlechange1.bind(this);     this.handlechange2 = this.handlechange2.bind(this);      this.state = {       name1: '',       name2: ''     };   };    handlechange1(e) {     this.setstate({       name1:     });   };    handlechange2(e) {     this.setstate({       name2:     });   };    render() {     return (       <div class="row column">         <label name={this.state.name1}/>         <input onchange={this.handlechange1} />         <label name={this.state.name2}/>         <input onchange={this.handlechange2} />       </div>     );   }; }  const label = props => (   <p {...props}>hello: <span classname="label-name">{}</span></p> );  const input = props => (   <input placeholder="enter name" {...props} type="text" />  );  reactdom.render(<app />, document.getelementbyid('app')) 

can/should done single handlechange method instead?

you can simplify code so.

class app extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);      this.state = {       name1: '',       name2: ''     };   };    handlechange(e, name) {     this.setstate({ [name]: });   };    render() {     return (       <div class="row column">         <label name={this.state.name1}/>         <input onchange={ (e) => this.handlechange(e, 'name1') } />         <label name={this.state.name2}/>         <input onchange={ (e) => this.handlechange(e, 'name2')  } />       </div>     );   }; } 


thanks @alik mentioned eslint rule jsx-no-bind,

a bind call or arrow function in jsx prop create brand new function on every single render. bad performance, result in garbage collector being invoked way more necessary.

following rule can change code

class app extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);      this.onchange = {       name1: this.handlechange.bind(this, 'name1'),       name2: this.handlechange.bind(this, 'name2'),     }      this.state = {       name1: '',       name2: ''     };   };    handlechange(name, event) {     this.setstate({ [name]: });   };     render() {     return (       <div class="row column">         <label name={this.state.name1}/>         <input onchange={ this.onchange.name1 } />         <label name={this.state.name2}/>         <input onchange={ this.onchange.name2 } />       </div>     );   }; } 



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