react native - Getting issue in android if keyboard appear -

hai designed registration page, wrote code this

inputfocused (refname) {   let android = platform.os == 'android'     if(platform.os == android){     let scrollresponder = this.refs.scrollview.getscrollresponder();     scrollresponder.scrollto({y: windowsize.height/4})     }     else{      let scrollresponder = this.refs.scrollview.getscrollresponder();     scrollresponder.scrollto({y: windowsize.height/3})     }  } render{   return(      <textinput                              ref='sixthinput'                              style={styles.textinput1}                              securetextentry={true}                              placeholder="confirm password"                               returnkeytype='done'                               value={this.state.confirmpassword}                               onsubmitediting={(event)=>{                                         this.onregister();                                        }}                            onfocus={this.inputfocused.bind(this, 'confirmpassword')}                              onchange={this.handlechange.bind(this,'confirmpassword')}/>   ) } 

here problem facing when click on textinput in on focus scrolling view up, wrote scroll view below navigation bar, when click on textinput, scrolls view up, in ios code working correctly, in android when keyboard appear moves total view up, below attcahed image of issue facing enter image description here

can 1 give me suggestions how resolve it, appreciated


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