c# - how to bind multiple Node in RadTreeView -


how bind multiple nodes in radtreeview

this code:

if (lblcategory != null && lblcategory.text != string.empty && rtcategory != null)  {      string[] tree = lblcategory.text.split(',');       (int = 0; < tree.length; i++)      {                                foreach (radtreenode t in rtcategory.nodes)          {                                         if (t.value == tree[i])              {                  t.selected = true;              }          }       }          rtcategory.expandallnodes(); } 

if (lblcategory != null && lblcategory.text != string.empty && rtcategory != null) { string[] tree = lblcategory.text.split(',');

                (int = 0; < tree.length; i++)                 {                      foreach (radtreenode t in rtcategory.getallnodes())                     {                                                    if (t.value == tree[i])                         {                             t.selected = true;                         }                     }                  }                 rtcategory.expandallnodes();             } 

use getallnodes() instead of node in foreach condition


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