database - How to display data in AbstractTableModel using java? -

i have created jframe , want create abstracttablemodel display data database using dbquery in grey box.

this first time doing , have been struggling long, hope receive help! thank you.

jbutton btnsubmit = new jbutton("submit");     btnsubmit.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         public void actionperformed(actionevent e) {             boolean conditionok = false;              if(chckbxr.isselected()==false && chckbxr_1.isselected()==false && chckbxr_2.isselected()==false && chckbxr_3.isselected()==false){                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(frame,"please select client account");             }             else if(fromdate.gettext().equals("")){                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(frame, "please enter starting date");             }             else if(todate.gettext().equals("")){                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(frame, "please enter end date");             }             else if(integer.parseint(fromdate.gettext()) > integer.parseint(todate.gettext())){                 joptionpane.showmessagedialog(frame, "end date earlier starting date");             }             else             conditionok = true;              if(conditionok==true){                  int fromyear = integer.parseint(fromdate.gettext().substring(0, 4));                 int frommonth = integer.parseint(fromdate.gettext().substring(4,6))-1;                 int fromday = integer.parseint(fromdate.gettext().substring(6,8));                 int toyear = integer.parseint(todate.gettext().substring(0, 4));                 int tomonth = integer.parseint(todate.gettext().substring(4,6))-1;                 int today = integer.parseint(todate.gettext().substring(6,8));                  simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd");                 simpledateformat sdf1 = new simpledateformat("yyyymmdd");                 simpledateformat sdf2 = new simpledateformat("dd mmm yyyy");                 dateformat formatter;                 formatter = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd");                  calendar convertedtodate = calendar.getinstance();                 convertedtodate.set(toyear,tomonth,today);                 calendar convertedfromdate =calendar.getinstance();                 convertedfromdate.set(fromyear,frommonth,fromday);                  int monthdifferencecount = 1;                 //calculate months difference                 ( monthdifferencecount=1; convertedfromdate.compareto(convertedtodate) <0; monthdifferencecount++)                 {                     convertedfromdate.add(calendar.month, 1);                     convertedfromdate.set(convertedfromdate.day_of_month,convertedfromdate.getactualmaximum(calendar.day_of_month));                 }                  convertedtodate.set(toyear,tomonth,today);                 convertedfromdate.set(fromyear,frommonth,fromday);                   //datearray , predate array used store date date format. shall use tradedate , setldate                 date predatearray[] = new date[monthdifferencecount];                 date datearray [] = new date[monthdifferencecount];                 (int i=0; <monthdifferencecount; i++)                 {                     convertedfromdate.add(calendar.month,-1);                     convertedfromdate.set(convertedfromdate.day_of_month,convertedfromdate.getactualmaximum(calendar.day_of_month));                     predatearray[i] = convertedfromdate.gettime();                     try {                         predatearray[i] = (date)formatter.parse(sdf.format(predatearray[i]));                     } catch (parseexception e1) {                         e1.printstacktrace();                     }                        convertedfromdate.add(calendar.month, 1);                     convertedfromdate.set(convertedfromdate.day_of_month,convertedfromdate.getactualmaximum(calendar.day_of_month));                     datearray[i] = convertedfromdate.gettime();                     try {                         datearray[i] = (date)formatter.parse(sdf.format(datearray[i]));                     } catch (parseexception e1) {                         e1.printstacktrace();                     }                       convertedfromdate.add(calendar.month, 1);                    }                  summaryfromdate = sdf2.format(datearray[0]);                 summarytodate = sdf2.format(datearray[datearray.length-1]);                  string datelist[] = new string[monthdifferencecount];                 string predatelist[] = new string[monthdifferencecount];                 (int i=0; i<datearray.length; i++)                   {                     datelist[i] = sdf1.format(datearray[i]);                     predatelist[i] = sdf1.format(predatearray[i]);                 }                   arraylist<string> cltacclist = new arraylist<string>();                  if(chckbxr.isselected()==true){                     cltacclist.add("10190r");                 }                 if(chckbxr_1.isselected()==true){                     cltacclist.add("10230r");                 }                 if(chckbxr_2.isselected()==true){                     cltacclist.add("10280r");                 }                 if(chckbxr_3.isselected()==true){                     cltacclist.add("10290r");                 }             }         }     });     btnsubmit.setbounds(37, 643, 89, 23);     add(btnsubmit); 

after submitting date abstracttablemodel should display data database.

table model:

public class mtablemodel {  public static class mymodel extends abstracttablemodel {          private list<object[]> data;         private list<string> columnnames;          public mymodel(list<string> columnnames, list<object[]> data) {             super();             this.columnnames = columnnames;    = data;         }          @override         public int getrowcount() {             return data.size();         }          @override         public int getcolumncount() {             return columnnames.size();         }          @override         public string getcolumnname(int column) {             return columnnames.get(column);         }          @override         public object getvalueat(int rowindex, int columnindex) {             return data.get(rowindex)[columnindex];         }     }        protected void initui() {         jframe frame = new jframe(mtablemodel.class.getsimplename());         list<string> columns = arrays.aslist("name", "gender");         list<object[]> data = new arraylist<object[]>();         (int = 0; < 50; i++) {             object[] value = new object[2];             data.add(value);         }         jtable table = new jtable(new mymodel(columns, data));         frame.add(new jscrollpane(table));         frame.pack();         frame.setvisible(true);     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() {              @override             public void run() {                 new mtablemodel().initui();             }         });     } 


your value arrays getting initialized pair of null entries default.

object[] value = new object[2]; 

try instead:

for (int = 0; < 50; i++) {     object[] value = new object[]{"name" + i, math.random() < .5 ? "m" : "f"};     data.add(value); } 



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