android - Optimizing icon usage? -

i got new requirement present image instead of error text if there no items show , image have 440 kb (png) in size given ui/ux designer. don't think it's fair use straightforward. it's transparent background image it's not possible reduce size converting jpg format. got 4 resolutions of image placing in different resolution resource folder. if keep of them in apk, take near 1 mb, had taken 1 image drawable-xhdpi folder , kept in drawable-nodpi. okay, queries follows

1) how can efficiently use image ?

2) worries if use jpg icons substitute of png ?

3) keeping images these in drawable-nodpi , setting size in different dimension file ?

1) convert png webp if need support api level 13+, otherwise use zopflipng optimize png.

2) jpg not support alpha channel , it's lossy.

3) put in drawable-xhdpi , let android scale image you. put images in drawable-nodpi if don't want image scaled.


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