c# - How to use Composite command in mvvm -

intro i'm working wpf mvvm-light application


i have invoke 2 commands same event, possible using mvvm.?

xaml this

 <i:interaction.triggers>     <i:eventtrigger eventname="loaded">         <command:eventtocommand command="{binding command1}" passeventargstocommand="false" />         <command:eventtocommand command="{binding command2}" passeventargstocommand="false" />     </i:eventtrigger> </i:interaction.triggers> 


when hooking 2 commands 1 of them invoked while triggering event.

q1 how invoke 2 commands in event?

i have heard composite commands in prism

for example, compositecommand class used in stock trader reference implementation (stock trader ri) in order implement submitallorders command represented submit button in buy/sell view. when user clicks submit button, each submitcommand defined individual buy/sell transactions executed.

q2 there in mvvm ?

try using 2 event triggers:

<i:interaction.triggers>     <i:eventtrigger eventname="loaded">         <command:eventtocommand command="{binding command1}" passeventargstocommand="false" />     </i:eventtrigger>     <i:eventtrigger eventname="loaded">         <command:eventtocommand command="{binding command2}" passeventargstocommand="false" />     </i:eventtrigger> </i:interaction.triggers> 


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