In Ansible Expect Module, how to ignore warning text showing before responding to prompts? -

thanks reply provided question, learned expect module. in ansible playbook, use execute command , respond prompts. issue command returns stdout warning text before prompting username, email , password. expect task fails, guess because not line of text.

my playbook.yml

  - expect:         command: geonode createsuperuser         responses:           username: 'test'           email: ''           password: 'test' 

the failure report:

task [expect] ****************************************************************** fatal: [node1]: failed! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "geonode createsuperuser", "delta": "0:00:30.129827", "end": "2016-07-28 09:39:57.806523", "failed": true, "rc": null, "start": "2016-07-28 09:39:27.676696", "stdout": "not enabling bingmaps base layer bing_api_key not defined in file.\r\nusername: ", "stdout_lines": ["not enabling bingmaps base layer bing_api_key not defined in file.", "username: "]} 

unfortunately can't disable warning @ stage of configuration.

thank can provide.

response search phrases case sensitive! use:

responses:   username: test 


responses:   (?i)username: test 


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