java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class -

i started first program geotools in using jai- java advanced imaging 1_1_2_01 jdk 1_7. it worked fine until added geotiff jars. found following error

exception in thread "main" java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: not initialize class @ @ com.rgb.pixelextractor.extract( @ com.rgb.rgbspliter.main(

the code below

 public void extract(file f, string name, string date) throws exception {  parametervalue<overviewpolicy> policy = abstractgridformat.overview_policy         .createvalue();  policy.setvalue(overviewpolicy.ignore);   // read 4 tiles worth of data @ once disk...  parametervalue<string> gridsize = abstractgridformat.suggested_tile_size.createvalue();  //gridsize.setvalue(512 * 4 + "," + 512);   // setting read type: use jai imageread (true) or imagereaders read methods (false)  parametervalue<boolean> usejairead = abstractgridformat.use_jai_imageread.createvalue();  usejairead.setvalue(true);   // generalparametervalue[] { policy, gridsize, usejairead });  // line throws error  gridcoverage2d image         = new geotiffreader(f).read(new generalparametervalue[]{policy, gridsize, usejairead});  rectangle2d bounds2d = image.getenvelope2d().getbounds2d();  bounds2d.getcenterx(); // calculate zoom level image gridgeometry2d geometry = image.getgridgeometry();    bufferedimage img =; // colormodel colormodel = img.getcolormodel(       writableraster raster = img.getraster();  int numbands = raster.getnumbands();  int w = img.getwidth(); int h = img.getheight(); outer: (int = 0; < w; i++) {//width...    (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {      double[] latlon = geo(geometry, i, j);     double lat = latlon[0];     double lon = latlon[1];      double s = 0d;      string originalbands = "";     (int k = 0; k < numbands; k++) {       double d = raster.getsampledouble(i, j, k);       originalbands += d + ",";       s += d;     }      originalbands = originalbands.substring(0, originalbands.length() - 1);     if (s.compareto(0d) == 0) {       continue;     }     string geohash = geohashutils.encodelatlon(lat, lon);     //here bands, lat, long, geohash, etc....      }     }     }    private static double[] geo(gridgeometry2d geometry, int x, int y) throws exception {    //int zoomlevel = 1;   envelope2d pixelenvelop = geometry.gridtoworld(new gridenvelope2d(x, y, 1, 1));    // pixelenvelop.getcoordinatereferencesystem().getname().getcodespace();   return new double[]{pixelenvelop.getcentery(), pixelenvelop.getcenterx()};   }   } 

jdk jars

jdk images jar

other jars



i added classpath variable geotools jars



my jai working without geotools integration, when add gt-geotiff-14.4.jar try add jai-core-1.1.3.jar conflicts jai-core.jar in jdk 1.7. removed jai-core-1.1.3.jar , related jars still gives me same error.

finally worked when removed geotiff jai-core-1.1.3.jar,jai-codec-1.1.3.jar , jai-imageio-1.1.jar files , added new class jai-ext's gt-utility class files. copied github , added src of 1 missing. jars conflicting too.


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