javascript - Change angularjs code to work for jquery pop-up -

hi don't know angularjs yet have task in that. there dashboard designed in angularjs. now, in there link open pop-up. have given task change link pop-up pop-up in jquery. so, me quite difficult understand how change this.

i have xml file label in html defined. label link coming.

<subcolumn type="a" ngclick="decisioncomp();" stylename="proccheader labe1padding" text="complete : "  uniqueid="data31" /> 

now, in controller file of same there function defined.

// complete link click     $scope.decisioncomp = function () {         if ($scope.data31 != "") {             modalservice.showmodal({                 templateurl: "chartpagepopup/complete.html",                 controller: "complete"             }).then(function (modal) {                 modal.close.then(function (result) {                     $scope.customresult = "all good!";                 });             });         }         else             alert($scope.waitingalert);     }; 

so, came know here link going html , controller. now, thought if changed modalservice.showmodal not take controller or if send controller empty , replace html html, work should done. did changed in script file funtion defined.

i commented out line says controller can't empty.

self.showmodal = function(options) {         //  create deferred we'll resolve when modal ready.         var deferred = $q.defer();         //  validate input parameters.         var controllername = options.controller;         if (!controllername) {           //deferred.reject("no controller has been specified.");           //return deferred.promise;         } 

but link not opening. don't know else change. stuck here. please me.


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