kentico youtube webpart used within slick.js -
i have repeater out puts panels slide show plugin, slick.js. far, things working planned.
the user, when creating custom page, enters in copy, either , image, video media library, or link tube.
what i'm trying write js function fire when user clicks play on youtube video.
the webpart injects youtube video via iframe method.
here's transformation:
<section class="slide"> <div class="copy"> <%# eval("slidecontent") %> </div> <asp:placeholder runat='server' id='slideimage' visible='<%# ifempty( eval("slideimage"), false, true ) %>'> <div class="img"> <img class="img-responsive" src="<%# eval(" slideimage ") %>" alt="<%# eval(" slidecontent ") %>"> </div> </asp:placeholder> <asp:placeholder runat='server' id='slidevideo' visible='<%# ifempty( eval("slidevideo"), false, true ) %>'> <div class='videoholder html5'> <video id='video' class='html5video' controls> <source src='<%# eval("slidevideo") %>'> </video> </div> </asp:placeholder> <asp:placeholder runat='server' id='youtubevideo' visible='<%# ifempty( eval("youtubevideo"), false, true ) %>'> <%@ register src="~/cmswebparts/media/youtubevideo.ascx" tagname="youtubevideo" tagprefix="webpart" %> <div class='videoholder yt'> <webpart:youtubevideo runat="server" id="youtubevideowebpart" cssclass="ytvideo" videourl='<%# resolvemacros(eval("youtubevideo").tostring())%>' fullscreen='true' /> </div> </asp:placeholder> </section>
and here js (this includes code pause videos if slider changes)
$(function () { 'use strict'; var $slider = $('.slider'), $slickjs = '/kffintranet/ui/bower_components/slick-carousel/slick/slick.min.js'; // check slider on page if ($slider.length !== 0) { // if there slider, load slick.js plugin $.getscript($slickjs, function () { // init slider $slider.slick({ dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidestoshow: 1, slidestoscroll: 1, fade: false, lazyload: 'ondemand', adaptiveheight: true, autoplay: true, autoplayspeed: 5000, responsive: [{ breakpoint: 1024, settings: {} }, { breakpoint: 600, settings: {} }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { arrows: false } } // can unslick @ given breakpoint adding: // settings: "unslick" // instead of settings object ] }); }); // // video control. if slide has video, need pause //bind our event here, gets current slide , pauses video before each slide changes. $slider.on('beforechange', function (event, slick) { var currentslide, player, command, videotype; //find current slide element , decide player api need use. currentslide = $(slick.$slider).find('.slick-current'); //determine type of slide looking video holder getting video type class if (currentslide.find('.videoholder').length) { videotype = $('.videoholder', currentslide).attr('class').split(' ')[1]; //get iframe inside slide. player = currentslide.find('iframe').get(0); } // pause videos if (videotype === 'yt') { command = { 'event': 'command', 'func': 'pausevideo' }; player.contentwindow.postmessage(json.stringify(command), '*'); } else if (videotype === 'html5') { document.getelementbyid('video').pause(); } }); // pause slider if video playing // html 5 video click $('.html5video').on('click', function () { var $video = $(this).get(0); // control pause play state of video if ($video.paused) { $; } else { $video.pause(); } // call slide pause function pauseslide(); }); // youtube play $('.ytvideo iframe').on('click', function () { // call slide pause function pauseslide(); }); } // puse slider function function pauseslide() { $slider.slick('slickpause'); console.log('pause'); } });
so i've created function pauseslide pause slider, i'm struggling capturing youtube play click.
check answer out. suggests using youtube iframe api.
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id='vidwrapper'> <!-- <iframe> (and video player) replace <div> tag. --> <div id="ytplayer"></div> </div> <script> var player; function onyoutubeiframeapiready() { player = new yt.player('ytplayer', { height: '390', width: '640', videoid: 'm7lc1uvf-ve', events: { 'onstatechange': function(event) { if ( == yt.playerstate.playing) { pauseaudio(); } } } }); } function pauseaudio() { ... } </script> </body> </html>
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