opencv - OCR: Exponent detection, super/subscripts(C++) -

i have been able recognize characters, such 1, 2, 3, ..., n.

i have been having trouble thinking of way detect number exponent of another.

for example, after running program this picture should return (5/6)^2, can't figure way or idea number exponent.

any suggestions? using opencv in c++.

when detecting characters, have respective bounding boxes. there assumptions made, knowing approximate scale of characters, let's call s - infer size of detected bounding boxes.

based on try following:

  1. for each detected bounding box (d_bbox), define search range centre of bounding box ± 2 * s
  2. in search area, other bounding box centres (o_bbox), other detected characters
    1. for each centre found in search region, compute ratio between d_bbox , o_bbox. exponent character size should smaller number => d_bbox/o_bbox > 1.

i'd should around 1.5 depends on font etc. play values , see get.

some other heuristics might help:

  • d_bbox_centre_x < o_bbox_centre_x
  • d_bbox_centre_y < o_bbox_centre_y

the number left of exponent , it's centre lower on page exponent's centre.

i wouldn't try detect parentheses because there can instances in don't use them write exponent.


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