swift - Alamofire number of requests one after another -

i have number of requests witch call 1 after without having nested spaghetti code.

i tried serial dispatch queue

let queue = dispatch_queue_create("label", dispatch_queue_serial)  alamofire.request(router.countries).responsestring { (response:response<string, nserror>) in             print(1)         }  alamofire.request(router.countries).responsestring { (response:response<string, nserror>) in             print(2)         }  alamofire.request(router.countries).responsestring { (response:response<string, nserror>) in             print(3)         } 

but unfortunately not work. output of can 1,3,2 or 3,1,2 or other combination.

what best approach output 1,2,3 1 after other.

ok ended writing own implementation.

i created class requestchain wich takes alamofire.request parameter

class requestchain {     typealias completionhandler = (success:bool, errorresult:errorresult?) -> void      struct errorresult {         let request:request?         let error:errortype?     }      private var requests:[request] = []      init(requests:[request]) {         self.requests = requests     }      func start(completionhandler:completionhandler) {         if let request = requests.first {             request.response(completionhandler: { (_, _, _, error) in                 if error != nil {                     completionhandler(success: false, errorresult: errorresult(request: request, error: error))                     return                 }                 self.requests.removefirst()                 self.start(completionhandler)             })             request.resume()         }else {             completionhandler(success: true, errorresult: nil)             return         }      } } 

and use

let r1 = alamofire.request(router.countries).responsearray(keypath: "endpoints") { (response: response<[countrymodel],nserror>) in     print("1") }  let r2 = alamofire.request(router.countries).responsearray(keypath: "endpoints") { (response: response<[countrymodel],nserror>) in     print("2") }  let r3 = alamofire.request(router.countries).responsearray(keypath: "endpoints") { (response: response<[countrymodel],nserror>) in     print("3") }  let chain = requestchain(requests: [r1,r2,r3])  chain.start { (success, errorresult) in     if success {         print("all have been success")     }else {         print("failed error \(errorresult?.error) request \(errorresult?.request)")     }   } 

importent telling manager not execute request

    let manager = manager.sharedinstance     manager.startrequestsimmediately = false 

hope else


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