c++ - Find similar distances between all values in vector and subset them -

given vector double values. want know distances between elements of vector have similar distance each other. in best case, result vector of subsets of original values subsets should have @ least n members.

//given vector<double> values = {1,2,3,4,8,10,12}; //with simple values example  //some algorithm  //desired result as: vector<vector<double> > subset; //in case of above example expect result like: //subset[0] = {1,2,3,4}; //distance 1 //subset[1] = {8,10,12}; //distance 2 //subset[2] = {4,8,12}; // distance 4 //subset[3] = {2,4};    //also distance 2 not connected subset[1] //subset[4] = {1,3};    //also distance 2 not connected subset[1] or subset[3] //many others if n 2. if n 3 (normally minimum) these small subsets should excluded. 

this example simplified distances of integer numbers iterated , tested vector not case double or float.

my idea far

i thought of calculating distances , storing them in vector. creating difference distance matrix , thresholding matrix tolerance similar distances.

//calculate distances: result vector vector<double> distances; (int = 0; < values.size(); i++)     (int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++)     {         if (i >= j)             continue;         distances.push_back(abs(values[i] - values[j]));     } //calculate difference of these distances: result matrix mat diffdistances = mat::zero(size(distances.size(), distances.size()), cv_32fc1); (int = 0; < distances.size(); i++)     (int j = 0; j < distances.size(); j++)     {         if (i >= j)             continue;         diffdistances.at<float>(i,j) = abs(distances[i], distances[j]);     } //threshold matrix tolerance in difference distances threshold(diffdistances, diffdistances, maxdisttol, 255, cv_thresh_binary_inv); //get points similar distances vector<points> diffdistancepoints; findnonzero(diffdistances, diffdistancepoints); 

at point stuck finding original values corresponding similar distances. should possible find them, seems complicated trace indices , wonder if there isn't easier way solve problem.

here solution works, long there no branches meaning, there no values closer 2*threshold. valid neighbor region because neighboring bonds should differ less threshold, if understood @phann correctly.

the solution definitively neither fastest nor nicest possible solution. might use starting point:

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm>  int main(){     std::vector< double > values = {1,2,3,4,8,10,12};     const unsigned int nvalues = values.size();     std::vector< std::vector< double > > distancematrix(nvalues - 1);     // distancematrix has triangular shape     // first vector contains distances value 0     // second row distances value 1 larger values     // nth row distances value n-1 except covered     std::vector< std::vector< double > > similardistancesubsets;     double threshold = 0.05;      std::sort(values.begin(), values.end());      (unsigned int = 0; < nvalues-1; ++i) {         distancematrix.at(i).resize(nvalues-i-1);         (unsigned j = i+1; j < nvalues; ++j){             distancematrix.at(i).at(j-i-1) = values.at(j) - values.at(i);         }     }      (unsigned int = 0; < nvalues-1; ++i) {         (unsigned int j = i+1; j < nvalues; ++j) {             std::vector< double > thissubset;             double thisdist = distancematrix.at(i).at(j-i-1);              // distance belongs cluster             if (thisdist < 0) continue;              double mindist  = thisdist - threshold;             double maxdist  = thisdist + threshold;             thissubset.push_back(values.at(i));             thissubset.push_back(values.at(j));             //indicate clustered             distancematrix.at(i).at(j-i-1) = -1;              unsigned int lastindex = j;             (unsigned int k = j+1; k < nvalues; ++k) {                 thisdist = distancematrix.at(lastindex).at(k-lastindex-1);                  // distance belongs cluster                 if (thisdist < 0) continue;                  // check if found new valid pair                 if ((thisdist > mindist) && (thisdist < maxdist)){                     // update valid distance interval                     mindist = thisdist - threshold;                     mindist = thisdist - threshold;                     // add newly found point                     thissubset.push_back(values.at(k));                     // indicate clustered                     distancematrix.at(lastindex).at(k-lastindex-1) = -1;                     // continue search here                      lastindex = k;                 }             }             if (thissubset.size() > 2) {                 similardistancesubsets.push_back(thissubset);             }         }     }     (unsigned int = 0; < similardistancesubsets.size(); ++i) {         (unsigned int j = 0; j < similardistancesubsets.at(i).size(); ++j) {             std::cout << similardistancesubsets.at(i).at(j);             if (j != similardistancesubsets.at(i).size()-1) {                 std::cout << " ";             }             else {                 std::cout << std::endl;             }         }     } } 

the idea precompute distances , every pair of particles, starting smallest , larger neighbors, if there valid pair above it. if these collected in subset , added subset vector. every new value valid neighbor region has updated ensure neighboring distances differ less threshold. afterwards, program continues next smallest value , larger neighbors , on.


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