Google Tag Manager Event in Analytics as Goal -

when google tag manager tracking link-click, shows event in google analytics. far good. let's in gtm: category {{event}} / action {{click event}} , label {{page path}}

now have event analytics goal (conversion) - not adwords. right, have set in analytics goal again can't variables gtm? category must "test" action "click" label "link click" or can say, track gtm event in analytics goal linking them thogheter?

in gtm can't set analytics goal right? have event , go analytics , make goal, true?

if using gtm tracking event. not necessary give {{event}} or predefined macro(variables) event category , event action or event label. entirely upto . can give string/ name create goal in google analytics..

link if click on download link event category 'download link', event action can choose {{click text}} or {{click url}} , event label {{{page path}} after @ time of goal creation can use 'download link' goal category , leave action , label. tracks download link link url , on page event occcurs.. on


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