php - Behat3 MinkExtension could not be enabled -

i want achieve take screenshot using behat, mink , seleniumgrid

but errors:

given go "" # featurecontext::visit() mink instance has not been set on mink context class. have enabled mink extension? (runtimeexception) │ ╳ mink instance has not been set on mink context class. have enabled mink extension? (runtimeexception) │ └─ @afterstep # feat

my behat.yml:

default: extensions:     behat\symfony2extension: ~     behat\minkextension:         base_url:         browser_name: 'firefox'         selenium2:             wd_host:             capabilities: { "browser": "firefox", "version": "14"}         goutte: ~         sessions:             goutte:                 goutte: ~             selenium2:                 selenium2: ~             symfony2:                 symfony2: ~ suites:     backend:         type: symfony_bundle         mink_session: selenium2         contexts:             - app\features\bootstrap\featurecontext:                 screen_shot_path: app/screenshot 

my featurecontext.php

class featurecontext extends minkcontext {     private $screenshotpath;      public function __construct()     {         $this->screenshotpath = "/app/screenshot";     }      /**      * take screen-shot when step fails. works selenium2driver.      *      * @afterstep      * @param afterstepscope $scope      */     public function takescreenshotafterfailedstep(afterstepscope $scope)     {         if (99 === $scope->gettestresult()->getresultcode()) {             $driver = $this->getsession()->getdriver();              if (! $driver instanceof selenium2driver) {                 return;             }              if (! is_dir($this->screenshotpath)) {                 mkdir($this->screenshotpath, 0777, true);             }              $filename = sprintf(                 '%s_%s_%s.%s',                 $this->getminkparameter('browser_name'),                 date('ymd') . '-' . date('his'),                 uniqid('', true),                 'png'             );              $this->savescreenshot($filename, $this->screenshotpath);         }     }      /**      * @then /^i should see css selector "([^"]*)"$/      * @then /^i should see css selector "([^"]*)"$/      */     public function ishouldseethecssselector($css_selector) {         $element = $this->getsession()->getpage()->find("css", $css_selector);         if (empty($element)) {             throw new \exception(sprintf("the page '%s' not contain css selector '%s'", $this->getsession()->getcurrenturl(), $css_selector));         }     }      /**      * @then /^i should not see css selector "([^"]*)"$/      * @then /^i should not see css selector "([^"]*)"$/      */     public function ishouldnotseeaelementwithcssselector($css_selector) {         $element = $this->getsession()->getpage()->find("css", $css_selector);          if (empty($element)) {             throw new \exception(sprintf("the page '%s' contains css selector '%s'", $this->getsession()->getcurrenturl(), $css_selector));         }     } } 

has ideas? thx

probably looking examples problem in behat.yml configuration file. default name of profile , extensions key child of profile. each line below default profile should has addition 4 spaces.

default:     extensions:         behat\symfony2extension: ~         behat\minkextension:         base_url:         browser_name: 'firefox'         selenium2:             wd_host:             capabilities: { "browser": "firefox", "version": "14"}         goutte: ~         sessions:             goutte:                 goutte: ~             selenium2:                 selenium2: ~             symfony2:                 symfony2: ~     suites:         backend:             type: symfony_bundle             mink_session: selenium2             contexts:                 - app\features\bootstrap\featurecontext:                     screen_shot_path: app/screenshot 


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