c# - Xamarin.Forms: ListView are not being Displayed on Xamarin.Droid -

i'm creating xamarin.forms portable application. have database in visual studio , want display data inside xamarin listview. whenever that, data not being displayed on xamarin.droid leaving blank space. tried in uwp , worked. how in xamarin.droid?

(screenshot of xamarin.droid)

enter image description here

notice listview still occupy space if records not being displayed. think reason behind this? check in web api if data being retrieved , does.

meaning, real problem occurs in displaying records on listview. hope can me.

here codes i've tried.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <contentpage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"          xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"          x:class="xamarinformsdemo.views.clientlistpage"          xmlns:viewmodels="clr-namespace:xamarinformsdemo.viewmodels;assembly=xamarinformsdemo"          xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:imagecircle.forms.plugin.abstractions;assembly=imagecircle.forms.plugin.abstractions"          backgroundimage="bg3.jpg"          title="client list">     <contentpage.bindingcontext>     <viewmodels:customervm/>   </contentpage.bindingcontext>   <stacklayout orientation="vertical">      <searchbar placeholder="search" text="{binding keyword}" searchcommand="{binding searchcommand}" x:name="txtsearch" />      <listview itemssource="{binding customerlist}"           hasunevenrows="true">       <listview.itemtemplate>     <datatemplate>       <viewcell>         <grid padding="10" rowspacing="10" columnspacing="5">           <grid.rowdefinitions>             <rowdefinition height="auto"/>             <rowdefinition height="*"/>           </grid.rowdefinitions>           <grid.columndefinitions>             <columndefinition width="auto"/>             <columndefinition width="*"/>           </grid.columndefinitions>            <controls:circleimage source="icon.png"                  heightrequest="66"                  horizontaloptions="centerandexpand"                  aspect="aspectfill"                  widthrequest="66"                  grid.rowspan="2"                />             <label grid.column="1"                  text="{binding customer_name}"                  textcolor="#24e97d"                  fontsize="24"/>              <label grid.column="1"                   grid.row="1"                    text="{binding customer_code}"                    textcolor="white"                    fontsize="18"                    opacity="0.6"/>             <label grid.column="1"               grid.row="2"               text="{binding customer_contact}"                textcolor="white"                fontsize="18"                opacity="0.6"/>            </grid>       </viewcell>     </datatemplate>   </listview.itemtemplate>  </listview>       <stacklayout orientation="vertical"          padding="30,10,30,10"          heightrequest="20"          backgroundcolor="#24e97d"          verticaloptions="center"          opacity="0.5">   <label text="© copyright 2016   smesoft.com.ph   rights reserved "          horizontaltextalignment="center"          verticaloptions="center"          horizontaloptions="center" />     </stacklayout>   </stacklayout>  </contentpage> 


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.collections.objectmodel; using system.componentmodel; using system.diagnostics; using system.linq; using system.runtime.compilerservices; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows.input; using xamarin.forms; using xamarinformsdemo.models; using xamarinformsdemo.services;  namespace xamarinformsdemo.viewmodels {     public class customervm : inotifypropertychanged     {       private list<customer> _customerlist; // keep customers     private list<customer> _searchedcustomerlist; // keep copy searching     private customer _selectedcustomer = new customer();      private string _keyword = "";     public string keyword     {                 {             return _keyword;         }         set         {             this._keyword = value;              // while keyword changed filter employees             //filter();         }     }        private void filter()     {         if (string.isnullorwhitespace(_keyword))         {             customerlist = _searchedcustomerlist;          }         else         {             // var lowerkeyword = _keyword.tolower();             customerlist = _searchedcustomerlist.where(r => r.customer_name.tolower().contains(_keyword.tolower())).tolist();             //  employeeslist = _searchedemployeeslist.where(r => r.employee_name.contains(_keyword)).tolist();           }     }         public list<customer> customerlist     {                 {             return _customerlist;         }         set         {             _customerlist = value;             onpropertychanged();         }     }       public icommand searchcommand     {                 {             return new command((sender) =>             {                 //var searchbar = (searchbar)sender;                 //this.keyword = searchbar.text;                 filter();             });         }     }        public customervm()     {         initializedataasync();     }      private async task initializedataasync()     {         var customerservices = new customerservices();         _searchedcustomerlist = await customerservices.getcustomerasync();         customerlist = await customerservices.getcustomerasync();      }       public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;      protected virtual void onpropertychanged([callermembername] string propertyname = null)     {         var handler = propertychanged;         if (handler != null) handler(this, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname));     }       } } 


using plugin.restclient; using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.collections.objectmodel; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using xamarinformsdemo.models;  namespace xamarinformsdemo.services {     public class customerservices     {     public async task<list<customer>> getcustomerasync()     {         restclient_customer<customer> restclient = new restclient_customer<customer>();          var customerlist = await restclient.getcustomerasync();//yung getasync ay pantawag restclient          return customerlist;         }       } } 


  public class restclient_customer <t> {       private const string webserviceurl = "http://localhost:50857/api/customer/";      public async task<list<t>> getcustomerasync()     {         var httpclient = new httpclient();          var json = await httpclient.getstringasync(webserviceurl);          var taskmodels = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<list<t>>(json);          return taskmodels;     }  } 

in viewmodel change

public list<customer> customerlist 


public observablecollection<customer> customerlist 

and in xaml, change

 <listview itemssource="{binding customerlist}" 


 <listview itemssource="{binding customerlist, mode=twoway}" 


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