angularjs - Init function only runs every second time -

for strange reason ini() function runs every second time. have issue in app well...

i have no idea why.

my code:

<ion-view ng-init="ini()">   <ion-header-bar class="banner-top ext-box" align-title="left">     <div class="int-box2"><h2 id="s_back1">map stories</h2></div>   </ion-header-bar> <ion-content overflow-scroll="true" class="has-header has-footer no-bgcolor" scroll="false" > 


.controller('mapctrl', function($scope, $state, $http) {    $scope.ini = function() {     $http({             method : "get",             url : ""         }).then(function mysucces(response) {             console.log("success");         }, function myerror(response) {             $state.go("error");         });   }   }) 


.state('map', {     url: '/map',     templateurl: 'templates/map.html',     controller: "mapctrl"   }) 


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