salt stack - SaltStack: Highstate top.sls files execution when merging strategy is "same" -

in /etc/salt/master have following options set:

file_roots:   base:     - /srv/salt   dev:     - /srv/salt/dev 


top_file_merging_strategy: same default_top: base 

i have top.sls base(/srv/salt/top.sls) environment, goes:

base:   '*':     - files 

where files.sls in defined in /srv/salt , 1 top.sls dev(/srv/salt/dev/top.sls) environment, goes:

dev:   'saltminion1':     - django   'saltminion2':     - mysql 

where django.sls , mysql.sls defined in /srv/salt/dev/. if call:

salt '*' state.highstate 

when using top_file_merging_strategy: merge, both base , dev environment getting applied minions, whereas scenario, using top_file_merging_strategy: same, base environment getting applied.
according salt documentation: top file, both base dev environments should have gotten applied.

what doing wrong? appreciated.

i think experiencing this. it's been fixed in salt 2016.11.


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