vba - Copying and Pasting Filtered Table Problems -

picture of 2 pasted tables

i have sub copies , pastes filtered table new worksheet, want copy cell values on only, not formulas.

sub pastefilteredtabletotempsheet(byref tempws worksheet, byref calcws worksheet)          calcws.activate  dim newtable listobject set newtable = calcws.listobjects("full_bearings_list")  newtable.databodyrange.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy _ destination:=tempws.range("a1")  'tempws.range("a1").pastespecial xlpastevalues 'application.cutcopymode = false  end sub 

the 2 lines commented out not want, copies cell values on new worksheet data not formatted table, destination syntax automatically formatted table formulas copied, not values only.

the link shows 2 examples. want format of left image table values, not formulas.

just paste twice.

tempws.range("a1").pastespecial xlpastevalues tempws.range("a1").pastespecial xlpasteformats 


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