angularjs - Extending Existing Chart Types angular chart js using chart js 2.0 -

i'm using great chart.js (version: 2.0.2) , angular-chart.js (version: 1.0.0-beta1) compatibility purposes. there lot of functionalities add project (like adding horizontal line chart or having rounded corners bar chart). theses solutions use


i'm stuck using chart.js v2.0, doc isn't clear. how can extend existing chart using chart.js v2.0 ?

any advice or example appreciated. thanks!

try line chart:

var originallinecontroller = chart.controllers.line; chart.controllers.line = chart.controllers.line.extend({     draw: function() {          originallinecontroller.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);         /* own drawing code here */     } } 

you can context with:

var ctx = this.chart.chart.ctx; 


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