javascript - Angular ng-repeat not show empty object attributes -

i trying loop through using data below in angular ng-repeat

{      "qid": "173995x306x4091",     "gid": null,     "comments": "milestone1: here milestone1details",     "owner": "me",     "targetdate": "28-10-2016"  }, {      "qid": "173995x306x4101",     "gid": null,     "comments": "",     "owner": "",     "targetdate": "" } 


  <div class="modal-body" ng-repeat="milestone in milestones ">     <table class="table table-striped">         <thead>         <tr>             <th>milestone </th>             <th>milestone owner</th>             <th>milestone target date</th>         </tr>          </thead>         <tr>             <td>{{milestone.comments  }} </td>             <td>{{milestone.owner  }}</td>             <td>{{milestone.targetdate  }}</td>         </tr>         </table>  </div> 

i don't want empty attributes show : below second object

   <table class="table table-striped">         <thead>         <tr>             <th>milestone </th>             <th>milestone owner</th>             <th>milestone target date</th>         </tr>          </thead>         <tbody><tr>             <td class="ng-binding"> </td>             <td class="ng-binding"></td>             <td class="ng-binding"></td>         </tr>         </tbody>    </table> 

how can this?

just add condition in tr following:

<tr ng-if="milestone.comments && milestone.owner && milestone.targetdate"> 

alternatively, can use ng-show instead of ng-if. both not display row difference ng-if remove empty row dom while ng-show hide row using css class.

edit: also, suggest moving ng-repeat condition tr (if not have specific requirement). see working example below:

var app = angular.module("sa", []);    app.controller("foocontroller", function($scope) {      $scope.milestones = [{        "qid": "173995x306x4091",      "gid": null,      "comments": "milestone1: here milestone1details",      "owner": "me",      "targetdate": "28-10-2016"      }, {        "qid": "173995x306x4101",      "gid": null,      "comments": "",      "owner": "",      "targetdate": ""    }];  });
<script src=""></script>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-1q8mtjoasx8j1au+a5wdvnpi2lkffwweaa8hdddjzlplegxhjvme1fgjwpgmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous">    <div ng-app="sa" ng-controller="foocontroller" class="container">    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">      <thead>        <tr>          <th>milestone</th>          <th>milestone owner</th>          <th>milestone target date</th>        </tr>        </thead>      <tbody>        <tr ng-repeat="milestone in milestones" ng-if="milestone.comments && milestone.owner && milestone.targetdate">          <td>{{milestone.comments }}</td>          <td>{{milestone.owner }}</td>          <td>{{milestone.targetdate }}</td>        </tr>      </tbody>    </table>    </div>

like @ved commented/answered, if there space between quotes, can modify query this:

<tr ng-if="milestone.comments.trim() && milestone.owner.trim() && milestone.targetdate.trim()"> 

there not error if of value undefined/null.


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