android - fetching all the call details like number,call type etc after call disconnect and automatically post it with web services -

i have fetched call details through code.

  private void getcalldetails() {       stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer();     if (activitycompat.checkselfpermission(getactivity(), manifest.permission.read_call_log) != packagemanager.permission_granted) {          return;     }     cursor managedcursor = getactivity().getcontentresolver().query(calllog.calls.content_uri,             null, null, null, + " desc limit 40");     int number = managedcursor.getcolumnindex(calllog.calls.number);     int type = managedcursor.getcolumnindex(calllog.calls.type);     int date = managedcursor.getcolumnindex(;     int duration = managedcursor.getcolumnindex(calllog.calls.duration);               //  sb.append("call details :");     string finaldate[];     while (managedcursor.movetonext()) {         string phnumber = managedcursor.getstring(number);         string calltype = managedcursor.getstring(type);         string calldate = managedcursor.getstring(date);         date calldaytime = new date(long.valueof(calldate));         string durationn=managedcursor.getstring(duration);         system.out.println("ph no....."+ phnumber);         system.out.println("type....."+calltype);         system.out.println("date....."+ calldate);         system.out.println("duration....."+ calldaytime);            system.out.println("call date time "+calldaytime);         string calldatechange=calldaytime.tostring();         string callduration = managedcursor.getstring(duration);         string dir = null;         int dircode = integer.parseint(calltype);         switch (dircode) {             case calllog.calls.outgoing_type:                 dir = "outgoing";                 break;              case calllog.calls.incoming_type:                 dir = "incoming";                 break;              case calllog.calls.missed_type:                 dir = "missed";                 break;         }              phnolist.add(phnumber);         calldura.add(durationn);         system.out.println("call duration is"+calldura);         //caldatlist.add(calldate);         calltimelist.add(calldatechange);           /* forcallog.add("\nphone number:--- " + phnumber + " \ncall type:--- "                 + dir + " \ncall date:--- " + calldaytime                 + " \ncall duration in sec :--- " + callduration);*/         sb.append(phnumber +","+ dir + ","+ calldaytime + ","+ callduration);        // sb.append("\n---------------------------------------------");     }       system.out.println("myphone is::"+ phnolist.size());     system.out.println("calldate is::"+ caldatlist);     system.out.println("calltimelist is::"+ calltimelist);      managedcursor.close(); 

also have fetched time @ call disconnected.i able show popup @ time of call want fetch details of last call @ place call disconnect intent checked has been done through broadcast receiver , append details in web can that.

  if (intent.getaction().equals("android.intent.action.new_outgoing_call"))         {             savednumber = intent.getextras().getstring("android.intent.extra.phone_number");             toast.maketext(context,"the no. is"+savednumber,toast.length_long).show();            // onoutgoingcallstarted(context,"",callstarttime);          }         else         {             string statestr = intent.getextras().getstring(telephonymanager.extra_state);             string number = intent.getextras().getstring(telephonymanager.extra_incoming_number);             int state = 0;              if(statestr.equals(telephonymanager.extra_state_idle)) {                 switch (state) {                     case telephonymanager.call_state_idle:                         log.d("testing", "outgoing call has been disconnect");                         intent = new intent(context, mycustomdialog.class);                         intent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task);                         intent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_single_top);                         context.startactivity(intent);                         system.out.println("call has been        disconnect...............");         //                            toast.maketext(this, "call has been disconnect", toast.length_long).show();                         break;                 }             } 

here fetching call disconnect same time want send details through web service.


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