android - How to set each view own position in RecyclerView? -

trying make recyclerview this: enter image description here

there lot of views in recyclerview, , each view has it's own position parameters. example, view1's position in 1 row, view2's , view3's position 1 after (like in linearlayout). etc... think realization related layoutmanager (maybe gridlayout). how set various position of each view?

if use recyclerview, should define several rows/items recycler view, means define different layouts , inflate + fill them content runtime. in case should define 3 layouts.
1) layout 1 view
2) layout 2 views
3) layout 3 views
implement baseadapter class fill recycler view view rows (the layouts have defined) further information @ sample developpers, how use 1 layout. procedure multiple layout rows (in case 3) same


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