bots - How to use the ThumbnailCard in IDialog Context -

hi developing 1 bot using microsoft botframework project in using idialog interface. in using thumbnailcard displaying cards. here when attaching data cards , data attaching within postasync method it’s not providing reply.

public virtual async task messagereceivedasync(idialogcontext context, iawaitable<imessageactivity> argument)     {         thumbnailcard plcard = null;         imessageactivity replytoconversation =await argument;         replytoconversation.type = "message";         replytoconversation.attachments = new list<attachment>();         replytoconversation.text = "welcome book show";         dictionary<string, string> cardcontentlist = new dictionary<string, string>();         cardcontentlist.add("jason bourne", "url");         cardcontentlist.add("the land", "url");         cardcontentlist.add("yoga hosers", "url");         foreach (keyvaluepair<string, string> cardcontent in cardcontentlist)         {             list<cardimage> cardimages = new list<cardimage>();             cardimages.add(new cardimage(url: cardcontent.value));             list<cardaction> cardbuttons = new list<cardaction>();             if (cardcontent.key == "jason bourne")             {                 cardaction plbutton1 = new cardaction()                 {                      value = $"",                     type = "openurl",                     title = "book now"                 };                  cardaction plbutton2 = new cardaction()                 {                     value = "tel:1-800-800-5705",                     type = "call",                     title = "show timings"                 };                 cardbuttons.add(plbutton1);                 cardbuttons.add(plbutton2);                  plcard = new thumbnailcard()                 {                     title = $"jason bourne",                     subtitle = " ",                     images = cardimages,                     buttons = cardbuttons,                  };                 attachment plattachment = plcard.toattachment();                 replytoconversation.attachments.add(plattachment);             }             else if (cardcontent.key == "the land")             {                 cardaction plbutton1 = new cardaction()                 {                      value = $"",                     type = "openurl",                     title = "book now"                 };                 cardaction plbutton2 = new cardaction()                 {                     value = "tel:1-800-800-5705",                     type = "call",                     title = "show timings"                 };                 cardbuttons.add(plbutton1);                 cardbuttons.add(plbutton2);                  plcard = new thumbnailcard()                 {                     title = $"the land",                     subtitle = "",                     images = cardimages,                     buttons = cardbuttons,                  };                 attachment plattachment = plcard.toattachment();                 replytoconversation.attachments.add(plattachment);             }             else if (cardcontent.key == "yoga hosers")             {                  cardaction plbutton1 = new cardaction()                 {                      value = $"",                     type = "openurl",                     title = "book now"                 };                 cardaction plbutton2 = new cardaction()                 {                     value = "tel:1-800-800-5705",                     type = "call",                     title = "show timings"                 };                 cardbuttons.add(plbutton1);                 cardbuttons.add(plbutton2);                  plcard = new thumbnailcard()                 {                     title = $"yoga hosers",                     subtitle = "",                     images = cardimages,                     buttons = cardbuttons,                 };                 attachment plattachment = plcard.toattachment();                 replytoconversation.attachments.add(plattachment);             }         }         replytoconversation.attachmentlayout = attachmentlayouttypes.list;         await context.postasync(replytoconversation);     }        

when run bot show following error enter image description here

can use cards in idialog context attachments?

the issue imessageactivity, trying send imessageacticity in context.postasync. that's reason failing.

do following changes make work

change method signature below

private async task messagereceived(idialogcontext context, iawaitable<object> argument) 

and modify imessageactivity replytoconversation =await argument; below

var message = await argument activity;                    activity replytoconversation = message.createreply("welcome." + "(hi)");         replytoconversation.recipient = message.from; 

now should work, if still have issue please comment here.



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