How to fix this whitespace issue between images in HTML? -


i want create image multiple hyperlinks on , email someone.

what did

i used photoshop's slicing method , added url slices. saved composition web. work on recipient's end, uploaded each slice online photo hosting website , edited html tag img src="local photo location" img src = "online photo location". problem multiple white-spaces between each slice distorts overall image.


    <html>      <head>      <title>general infosheet july 25</title>      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">      </head>      <body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">      <!-- save web slices (general infosheet july 25.jpg) -->      <table id="table_01" width="800" height="1034" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">          <tr>              <td>                  <a href="">                      <img src="" width="539" height="158" border="0" alt=""></a></td>              <td rowspan="2">                  <img src="" width="260" height="452" alt=""></td>              <td>                  <img src="" width="1" height="158" alt=""></td>          </tr>          <tr>              <td rowspan="4">                  <img src="" width="539" height="876" alt=""></td>              <td>                  <img src="" width="1" height="294" alt=""></td>          </tr>          <tr>              <td>                  <a href="">                      <img src="" width="260" height="144" border="0" alt=""></a></td>              <td>                  <img src="" width="1" height="144" alt=""></td>          </tr>          <tr>              <td>                  <a href="">                      <img src="" width="260" height="134" border="0" alt=""></a></td>              <td>                  <img src="" width="1" height="134" alt=""></td>          </tr>          <tr>              <td>                  <a href="">                      <img src="" width="260" height="304" border="0" alt=""></a></td>              <td>                  <img src="" width="1" height="304" alt=""></td>          </tr>      </table>      <!-- end save web slices -->      </body>      </html> 


i want remove white-space between images. please provide code edits remove these white-space.

make sure padding each table cell 0px, , set border-spacing property 0, , border-collapse property collapse. tables default have spacing, resulting in whitespace.


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