python - Check if programm runs in Debug mode -

i use pycharm ide python programming.

is there possibility check, whether i'm in debugging mode or not when run proframm?

i use pyplot plt , want figure shown if debug programm. yes, have global boolean debug set myself, sexier solution.

thank support!

according documentation, settrace / gettrace functions used in order implement python debugger:


set system’s trace function, allows implement python source code debugger in python. function thread-specific; debugger support multiple threads, must registered using settrace() each thread being debugged.

however, these methods may not available in implementations:

cpython implementation detail: settrace() function intended implementing debuggers, profilers, coverage tools , like. behavior part of implementation platform, rather part of language definition, , may not available in python implementations.

you use following snippet in order check if debugging code:

import sys   gettrace = getattr(sys, 'gettrace', none)  if gettrace none:     print('no sys.gettrace') elif gettrace():     print('hmm, big debugger watching me') else:     print("let's interesting")     print(1 / 0) 

this 1 works pdb:

$ python -m pdb  > /home/soon/src/python/main/<module>() -> import sys (pdb) step > /home/soon/src/python/main/<module>() -> gettrace = getattr(sys, 'gettrace', none) (pdb) step > /home/soon/src/python/main/<module>() -> if gettrace none: (pdb) step > /home/soon/src/python/main/<module>() -> elif gettrace(): (pdb) step > /home/soon/src/python/main/<module>() -> print('hmm, big debugger watching me') (pdb) step hmm, big debugger watching me --return-- > /home/soon/src/python/main/<module>()->none -> print('hmm, big debugger watching me') 

and pycharm:

/usr/bin/python3 /opt/pycharm-professional/helpers/pydev/ --multiproc --qt-support --client --port 34192 --file /home/soon/src/python/main/ pydev debugger: process 17250 connecting  connected pydev debugger (build 143.1559) hmm, big debugger watching me  process finished exit code 0 


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