Android - Get app package name from app(3rd party) which start my app activity -

guys need on :(

componentname componentname = sharecompat.getcallingactivity(this);

string callingpackage = sharecompat.getcallingpackage(this);

i can app package name above code, if app ( startactivityforresult() app b.

at app b, can :

but, if app b() opened google chrome browser(from intent action.view scheme). let's app support https scheme.

my app b, can't retrieve google chrome browser app package name.

note: google chrome browser example.

baseactivity.this.getreferrer().gethost(), return correct app package name want. available api 22+

any way detect app package name, if app opened 3rd-party app?

thanks guys!

my app b, can't retrieve google chrome browser app package name.

correct. there no requirement app include extra_referrer in intent, , if do, can put fake uri in there.

baseactivity.this.getreferrer().gethost(), return correct app package name want

not necessarily. quoting the documentation: "note not security feature -- can not trust referrer information, applications can spoof it."

any way detect app package name, if app opened 3rd-party app?



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