FluidTYPO3 dublicated Content Modules with Flux Grid at TYPO3 Backend -

i'm using typo3 7.6with latest flux-, vhs- , fluidcontentextensions (fluidtypo3). i've wrote new flux-content element, tab-container zurb foundation 6. element working fine (frontend), @ backend have row tabs , columns .. sth. dublicated tabs , content inside?! cleared cache.

here's screenshot. tab-elements dublicated, don't know why?

dublicated content elements typo3 backend

my flux fce:

<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"     xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/typo3/fluid/viewhelpers"     xmlns:flux="http://typo3.org/ns/fluidtypo3/flux/viewhelpers"     xmlns:v="http://typo3.org/ns/fluidtypo3/vhs/viewhelpers">      <f:layout name="content" />      <f:section name="configuration">         <flux:form id="tabs" options="{group: 'lll:typo3conf/ext/myelements/resources/private/language/locallang.xlf:grid.elements'}">              <flux:form.sheet name="tabs">                 <flux:form.section name="tabs">                     <flux:form.object name="tab">                          <flux:field.input name="title" />                         <flux:field.input name="class" />                         <flux:field.checkbox name="active" />                      </flux:form.object>                 </flux:form.section>             </flux:form.sheet>              <flux:grid>                 <flux:grid.row>                     <f:if condition="{tabs}">                         <f:for each="{tabs}" as="tab" iteration="iteration">                                 <flux:form.content name="content.{iteration.index}" label="tab {iteration.cycle}" />                         </f:for>                     </f:if>                 </flux:grid.row>             </flux:grid>          </flux:form>     </f:section>        <f:section name="preview">         <flux:widget.grid />     </f:section>        <f:section name="main">          <f:render section="tabs" arguments="{_all}" />          <div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content="tabs-{record.uid}">             <f:if condition="{tabs}">                 <f:for each="{tabs}" as="tab" iteration="iteration">                     <div class="tabs-panel {f:if(condition: '{tab.tab.active} == 1', then: 'is-active')}" id="panel-{record.uid}-{iteration.index}">                         <flux:content.render area="content.{iteration.index}" />                     </div>                 </f:for>             </f:if>         </div>      </f:section>        <f:section name="tabs">          <f:if condition="{tabs}">              <ul class="tabs" data-tabs id="tabs-{record.uid}">                 <f:for each="{tabs}" as="tab" iteration="iteration">                     <li class="tabs-title {f:if(condition: '{tab.tab.active} == 1', then: 'is-active')}">                         <a href="#panel-{record.uid}-{iteration.index}" aria-selected="true">{tab.tab.title}</a>                     </li>                 </f:for>             </ul>          </f:if>      </f:section>  </div> 

this problem:

<flux:widget.grid /> 

according release notes of flux 7.2:

preview widget replaced

we have replaced way flux generates previews when grid involved. before, flux render grid fluid template file means template had parsed (or loaded compiled cache) , rendered, involving significant amount of processing. content element container areas rendered special view class, increasing performance when working multiple nested elements.

the new behaviour:

  • renders grid content element container in page module if template defines one, regardless of whether or not have preview section.

  • deprecates flux:widget.grid no longer has function.

  • removes support setting fluid template used render grid.

basically, sacrifice used template replacement feature increased performance in executed code.

so, remove complete preview section template.


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