Jrebel clear Mybatis interceptors when reload Mapper XML files -

i'm using jrebel 6.3.0 hot reload mybatis's mapper xml spring boot web application. , used java configuration config mybatis.

@configuration @conditionalonclass({ pageinterceptor.class }) @enableconfigurationproperties(mybatispageproperties.class) @autoconfigurebefore(mybatisautoconfiguration.class) public class mybatispageautoconfiguration implements applicationcontextaware {     private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(mybatispageautoconfiguration.class);      @autowired     private mybatispageproperties properties;      @override     public void setapplicationcontext(applicationcontext applicationcontext) throws beansexception {         beanutil.setapplicationcontext(applicationcontext);     }      /**      *       *       * @return      */     @bean     public pageinterceptor pageinterceptor() {         log.info("========pageinterceptor========");         pageinterceptor pageinterceptor = new pageinterceptor();          properties p = new properties();         p.setproperty("dialect", properties.getdialect());         p.setproperty("sqlidregex", properties.getsqlidregex());         pageinterceptor.setproperties(p);          return pageinterceptor;     } 

i found jrebel clear interceptors when reload mapper xml file.


  private void reconfigure() {     log.infoecho("reloading sql maps");      this.conf.reinit(); // clear loadedresources , interceptors      reloadedresources.set(collections.synchronizedset(new hashset()));     enterreloading();     try {       if (this.confbuilder != null)         this.confbuilder.reinit();       reconfigureadditionalmappings();         exitreloading();       reloadedresources.remove();     }         {       exitreloading();       reloadedresources.remove();     }   }    .........    private void reconfigureadditionalmappings() {     (resourcedesc rd : (resourcedesc[])this.additionalmappings.toarray(new resourcedesc[0])) {       reconfiguremapping(rd);     }   }    private void reconfiguremapping(resourcedesc rd) {     org.apache.ibatis.session.configuration c = (org.apache.ibatis.session.configuration)this.conf;     try { // reload loadedresources mapper xml files.       xmlmapperbuilder xmlmapperbuilder = new xmlmapperbuilder(resourceutil.asinputstream(rd.url), c, rd.path, c.getsqlfragments());        xmlmapperbuilder.parse();     }     catch (exception e) {       if ((e.getcause() instanceof java.io.filenotfoundexception)) removemappingfordeletedresource(rd); else {         throw new runtimeexception("failed parse mapping resource: '" + rd.url + "'", e);       }     } {       errorcontext.instance().reset();     }   } 


public class configurationcbp   extends javassistclassbytecodeprocessor {   public void process(classpool cp, classloader cl, ctclass ctclass)     throws exception   {     ctclass.addinterface(cp.get(jrconfiguration.class.getname()));      ctclass.addfield(new ctfield(cp.get(sqlmapreloader.class.getname()), "reloader", ctclass));      ctconstructor[] constructors = ctclass.getconstructors();     (int = 0; < constructors.length; i++) {       ctconstructor constructor = constructors[i];       if (constructor.callssuper()) {         constructor.insertafter("reloader = new " + sqlmapreloader.class.getname() + "($0);");       }     }      ctclass.addmethod(ctnewmethod.make("public " + sqlmapreloader.class       .getname() + " getreloader() {" + "  return reloader;" + "}", ctclass));         ctclass.addmethod(ctnewmethod.make("public void reinit() {  loadedresources.clear();  ((" + jrinterceptorchain.class         .getname() + ") interceptorchain).jrclear();" + "}", ctclass));        ctclass.getdeclaredmethod("isresourceloaded").insertafter("if (reloader.doreload($1)) {  loadedresources.remove($1);  $_ = false;}");   } } 

is there anyway let jrebel keep interceptors?

my project web app, don't need change in prod-env, use jrebel in dev-env, modify source file fetch form source jar, , place in src/test/java, , build classes dir, , replace class in original jar. don't place in src/main/java folder.


... public class xmlmapperbuilder extends basebuilder {     private static list<interceptor> interceptors = new arraylist<interceptor>(); // added yuanjinyong ...     public void parse() { ...         parsependingstatements();          // added yuanjinyong         if (interceptors.size() == 0) {             interceptors.addall(configuration.getinterceptors());         }         if (configuration.getinterceptors().size() == 0) {             (interceptor interceptor : interceptors) {                 configuration.addinterceptor(interceptor);             }         }     } ... } 


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