nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type -
i have execute query in project,i have used jdbctemplate mapsqlparametersource execute mycode giving following excpetion
exception ex : org.springframework.jdbc.uncategorizedsqlexception: preparedstatementcallback; uncategorized sqlexception sql state [99999]; error code [17004]; invalid column type; nested exception java.sql.sqlexception: invalid column type
my query mentioned below:
update inds_guest_account_mst_tbl set active_yn_flg = :activeflag , password = (case when :activeflag ='y' :password else null end), notes = (case when :activeflag='y' :notes else null end), company_name = (case when :activeflag = 'y' :companyname else null end), end_time = (case when :activeflag='y' systimestamp+1 else null end), updtd_on_dt = systimestamp, updtd_by_usr_id = :user ga_seq = :sequence
and mapsqlparametersource :
mapsqlparametersource paramsource = new mapsqlparametersource(); paramsource.addvalue("activeflag", objguestaccountinfo.getactiveflag().touppercase(), types.varchar); paramsource.addvalue("password", objguestaccountinfo.getpassword(), types.varchar); paramsource.addvalue("notes", objguestaccountinfo.getnotes(), types.varchar); paramsource.addvalue("companyname", objguestaccountinfo.getcompany(), types.varchar); paramsource.addvalue("user", objguestaccountinfo.getuser(), types.varchar); paramsource.addvalue("sequence", objguestaccountinfo.getga_seq(), types.numeric);
my table structure follows:
ga_seq number (6) password varchar2 (60 byte) end_time date active_yn_flg varchar2 (1 byte) notes varchar2 (4000 byte) creatd_by_usr_id varchar2 (30 byte) creatd_on_dt date updtd_by_usr_id varchar2 (30 byte) updtd_on_dt date company_name varchar2 (50 byte)
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