c++ - Change size of dialog by defining height and width in pixels -

how can change size of dialog box 512 x 424 pixels? know mapdialogrect() converts dialog units pixels there no api in reverse? how fix size of dialog want in pixels? beginner in programing, code helpful. thank you.

this resource kinect 2 sdk depth basics ,

idd_app dialogex 0, 0, 512, 436 style  ds_setfont | ds_fixedsys | ws_minimizebox | ws_clipchildren | ws_caption | ws_sysmenu exstyle ws_ex_controlparent | ws_ex_appwindow caption "sample" class "depthbasicsappdlgwndclass" font 8, "ms shell dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 begin     control         "",idc_videoview,"static",ss_blackframe,0,0,512,424     ltext           "",idc_status,0,425,412,11,ss_sunken,0     defpushbutton   "screenshot",idc_button_screenshot,422,424,90,12 end 


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