c# - How to make secure request to REST, having signed Certificate with Public key, and Private Key generated with Certificate Request -

i need make https request restapi. before, made certificate request , private key, using openssl. after, certificate request had been signed provider , took certificate. have certificate , private key. question: how make secure request using certificate, private key , .net features. provide code, wrote of intuition(note: used bouncycustle read pem files):

static void main(string[] args) {     try     {         x509certificate certificate = getcertificate("c:/xxx/certificate.pem");         asymmetrickeyparameter privatekey = getprivatekey("c:/xxx/key.pem");          httpwebrequest webrequest = preparewebrequest("https://xxxx",                  "get", certificate, privatekey);          webresponse webresponse = webrequest.getresponse();     }     catch(exception e)     {         console.writeline("exception: {0}", e.message);         console.write("stack trace: {0}", e.stacktrace);     }      console.readkey(); }  private static x509certificate getcertificate(string pathtosertificate) {     x509certificate certificatebouncycustle;      using (var filestream = new filestream(pathtosertificate, filemode.open))     using (var streamreader = new streamreader(filestream))     {         var pemreader = new pemreader(streamreader);         certificatebouncycustle = (x509certificate)pemreader.readobject();     }      return certificatebouncycustle; }  private static asymmetrickeyparameter getprivatekey(string pathtoprivatekey) {     asymmetrickeyparameter privatekey;      using (var filestream = new filestream(pathtoprivatekey, filemode.open))     using (var streamreader = new streamreader(filestream))     {         var pemreader = new pemreader(streamreader);         privatekey = ((asymmetriccipherkeypair)pemreader.readobject()).private;     }      return privatekey; }  private static httpwebrequest preparewebrequest(string url,          string method,          x509certificate certificate,          asymmetrickeyparameter privatekey) {     httpwebrequest httpwebrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(url);      httpwebrequest.method = method;     httpwebrequest.clientcertificates.add(dotnetutilities.tox509certificate(certificate));                        httpwebrequest.contenttype = "application/xml;charset=utf8";                              return httpwebrequest; } 


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