hadoop - How to convert csv to xml using Hive UDF or Pig UDF? -

i trying convert csv file xml using hive or pig.

when google see lot of solutions parsing xml csv not other way around. can me?

right doing using tool called talend, not solution because using execution server instead of cluster.

eid,ename,sal 1,a,d1 2,b,d2 3,c,d3 


<?xml version="1.0"?> <employee_info   <employee  eid="1">   <name>a</name>   <department>d1</department> </employee>   <employee  eid=2>   <name>b</name>   <department>d2</department> </employee> <employee  eid=3>   <name>c</name>   <department>d3</department> </employee> </employee_info> 


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