php - display result of json data in textview of android -

i having 1 problem while displaying data in android app.this php.i have edited shorten code.

if($imei_no!="" && $app_auid!="") {         //chk query         $chk_query=$db1->query("select * user imei_number='$imei_no'");         $chk_cnt=$chk_query->rowcount();         if($chk_cnt>0)         {             $search_qry=$db1->query("select * candidate_reception cr,candidate_counseling cc ,candidate_admission ca cr.candidate_id=cc.candidate_id , cr.candidate_id=ca.candidate_id , cr.auid=ca.auid , cr.counseling_id=cc.counseling_id , cr.auid='$app_auid'");             $ser_count=$search_qry->rowcount();             if($ser_count>0)             {                 $stud_row=$search_qry->fetch(pdo::fetch_obj);                  $candidate_id=$stud_row->candidate_id;                 $auid = $stud_row->auid;                 $usn_no = $stud_row->usn_no;                 $sx = $stud_row->candidate_sex                   //image path                       if($inst_id==1){ $img_path = "1"; }                   if($inst_id==2){ $img_path = "2"; }                  $result=array();                     array_push($result, array('name' => $candidate_name,'img_path'=>$img_path));              echo json_encode(array("can_data"=>$result));             echo "success"                       }             else             {                 echo "auid not found.";             }                }         else         {             echo "invalid imei number.!!!";         } } ?> 

and java code:

  private static final string login_url = "";     private edittext edittextusername;     private button buttonlogin;      telephonymanager tel;     textview imei;     @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_imei__val);          edittextusername = (edittext) findviewbyid(;         buttonlogin = (button) findviewbyid(;         buttonlogin.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view view) {                 login();             }         });          tel = (telephonymanager) getsystemservice(context.telephony_service);         imei = (textview) findviewbyid(;         imei.settext(tel.getdeviceid().tostring());      }      private void login(){         string username = edittextusername.gettext().tostring().trim();         string imei_no = imei.gettext().tostring().trim();         userlogin(username,imei_no);     }      private void userlogin(final string username,final string imei_no){         class userloginclass extends asynctask<string,void,string> {             progressdialog loading;             @override             protected void onpreexecute() {                 super.onpreexecute();                 loading =,"please wait",null,true,true);             }              @override             protected void onpostexecute(string s) {                 super.onpostexecute(s);                 loading.dismiss();                 if(s=="success"){                      intent intent = new intent(imei_val.this, capturephoto.class);                    // intent.putextra(user_name,username);                     startactivity(intent);                 }                 else{                    toast.maketext(imei_val.this, s, toast.length_long).show();                     log.d("tag name", "log message");                 }             }              @override             protected string doinbackground(string... params) {                 hashmap<string,string> data = new hashmap<>();                 data.put("auid",params[0]);                 data.put("imei",params[1]);                 registeruserclass ruc = new registeruserclass();                 string result = ruc.sendpostrequest(login_url,data);                 return result;             }         }         userloginclass ulc = new userloginclass();         ulc.execute(username,imei_no);     }  } 

my problem when clicking on login button, getting json result in toast student details after valid user inputs.i want goto next activity if the user inputs valid , display other details name,college can that? here getting json result response when enter valid inputs.i not go next activity , display other details in text box though entering correct regno.


so sending json success message

so rather using == try use contains

so inside onpostexecute(string s)

@override protected void onpostexecute(string s) {      super.onpostexecute(s);      loading.dismiss();      if(s.contains("success")){          intent intent = new intent(imei_val.this, capturephoto.class);          // intent.putextra(user_name,username);          startactivity(intent);      }      else{        toast.maketext(imei_val.this, s, toast.length_long).show();        log.d("tag name", "log message");      } } 


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