repository - How should I work with MELPA and MELPA-stable using Emacs? -

i run problem when install packages emacs: can if 1 of packages broken in melpa , other broken in melpa-stable? example if use melpa-stable elscreen fails on startup:

run-hooks: symbol's function definition void: elscreen-start 

but if run on melpa elscreen works cider-nrepl fails start up. checked github profile , build failing. there way work around this?

you can use both melpa , melpa-stable, , pin packages repositories customizing package-pin-packages:

(require 'package)  (add-to-list 'package-archives          '("melpa-stable" . "") t) (add-to-list 'package-archives          '("melpa" . "") t)  (setq package-pinned-packages       '((imenu-anywhere . "melpa-stable")         (spaceline . "melpa-stable")         (clj-refactor . "melpa-stable")         (cider . "melpa-stable")         (clojure-mode . "melpa-stable")         (linum-relative . "melpa-stable")         (aggressive-indent . "melpa-stable")         (evil-leader . "melpa-stable")         (evil-visualstart . "melpa-stable")         (evil-jumper . "melpa-stable")         (evil-snipe . "melpa-stable")         (evil . "melpa-stable")         (evil-commentary . "melpa-stable"))) 


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