ruby on rails - Request spec order dependent failure (wrong SQL created for devise user update on login) -

we face problem when request spec fails (typo or other exception) affects other request specs should unaffected. problem use many gems tried create minimal reproduction app (without success,

the problem in detail:

we have request spec need login user. user authentication use devise , therefore use warden::test::helpers log in users in request specs. devise automatically updates user related attributes when user logs in (last_sign_in_at, last_sign_in_ip etc..).

the problem here when tries save user doing changes end result insert user instead of update user , therefore crashes.

here example spec our app:

require 'rails_helper'  rspec.describe 'suggestions api'   let(:user) { factorygirl.create(:user, :professional) }    before     login(user) # same in   end    describe '/suggestions.json', :vcr     context 'with non saved filter'       # setup stuff here (setup proper objects in db)        # params defined here through let(:params) { ... }        'returns proper suggestions'         suggestion.refresh!          '/suggestions.json', paramst          expect(json.count).to eq(2)          expect(json.first['id']).to eq(         expect(json.second['id']).to eq(       end     end      context 'with saved filter'       # setup stuff here (setup proper objects in db)        # params defined here through let(:params) { ... }        'returns proper suggestions'         suggestion.refresh!          '/suggestions.json', params          expect(json.count).to eq(2)          expect(json.first['id']).to eq(         expect(json.second['id']).to eq(       end     end   end end 

the result of should first spec fails because of typo paramst, affects second spec:

here spec run:

i tried dig deeper , saw logic whether save creates or updates record depending on

next tried output @new_record in case.

def new_record?   sync_with_transaction_state   puts "new record: #{@new_record}" if self.class == user   @new_record end 

i got following:

when specs run in different order (non failing first spec typo or exception in it) got this:

the difference here "working" spec run new record: <boolean> different. when spec exception runs before new record becomes true , therefore generates sql create new record.

next assumed gems causing problem, thought database_cleaner in reproduction more or less same , there works.

the problem i'm stuck @ debugging , not sure proceed. i'm not sure gem or our code causing this.

feel free ask questions if need further details, in advance.

seems issue caused devise-async (

see , more information.


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