android - how to send automatic email with Attachment -
i used this send automatic emails in app. tried add attachment code app not working! how send automatic email attachment ?
package mypack;
public class gmailsender extends javax.mail.authenticator {
private string mailhost = ""; private string user; private string password; private session session; public multipart _multipart; static { security.addprovider(new hossin.asaadi.mailsender.jsseprovider()); } public gmailsender(string user, string password) { this.user = user; this.password = password; properties props = new properties(); props.setproperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp"); props.setproperty("", mailhost); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.port", "465"); props.put("mail.smtp.socketfactory.port", "465"); props.put("mail.smtp.socketfactory.class", ""); props.put("mail.smtp.socketfactory.fallback", "false"); props.setproperty("mail.smtp.quitwait", "false"); session = session.getdefaultinstance(props, this); } @override protected passwordauthentication getpasswordauthentication() { return new passwordauthentication(user, password); } public synchronized void sendmail(string subject, string body, string sender, string recipients) throws exception { try { mimemessage message = new mimemessage(session); datahandler handler = new datahandler(new bytearraydatasource(body.getbytes(), "text/plain")); message.setsender(new internetaddress(sender)); message.setsubject(subject); message.setdatahandler(handler); if (recipients.indexof(',') > 0) message.setrecipients(, internetaddress.parse(recipients)); else message.setrecipient(, new internetaddress(recipients)); // bodypart messagebodypart = new mimebodypart(); // _multipart.addbodypart(messagebodypart); // put parts in message // message.setcontent(_multipart); transport.send(message); } catch (exception e) { } } public class bytearraydatasource implements datasource { private byte[] data; private string type; public bytearraydatasource(byte[] data, string type) { super(); = data; this.type = type; } public bytearraydatasource(byte[] data) { super(); = data; } public void settype(string type) { this.type = type; } @override public string getcontenttype() { if (type == null) return "application/octet-stream"; else return type; } @override public inputstream getinputstream() throws ioexception { return new bytearrayinputstream(data); } @override public string getname() { return "bytearraydatasource"; } @override public outputstream getoutputstream() throws ioexception { throw new ioexception("not supported"); } } public void addattachment(string filename) throws exception { bodypart messagebodypart = new mimebodypart(); datasource source = new filedatasource(filename); messagebodypart.setdatahandler(new datahandler(source)); messagebodypart.setfilename(filename); _multipart.addbodypart(messagebodypart); }}
public final class jsseprovider extends provider {
public jsseprovider() { super("harmonyjsse", 1.0, "harmony jsse provider"); accesscontroller.doprivileged(new<void>() { @override public void run() { put("sslcontext.tls", "org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.sslcontextimpl"); put("alg.alias.sslcontext.tlsv1", "tls"); put("keymanagerfactory.x509", "org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.keymanagerfactoryimpl"); put("trustmanagerfactory.x509", "org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.trustmanagerfactoryimpl"); return null; } }); }}
in activity :
btn3.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view arg0) { // todo auto-generated method stub try { gmailsender sender = new gmailsender("mysenderemail", "pass"); sender.sendmail("title", "this body", "", ""); sender.addattachment("/sdcard/image.jpg"); toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "2 sucess", 0).show(); } catch (exception e) { log.e("sendmail", e.getmessage(), e); } } });
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