python - Scripting in logstash -
is possible python scripting in logstash? can import csv data elasticsearch using logstash. need use update api instead of indexing rows.
here sample csv file...
vi /tmp/head.txt "home","home-66497273a5a83c99","spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,","919359000000","hmshop","916265100000","2016-05-18 08:41:49" "home","home-26497273a5a83c99","spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,","919359000001","hmshop","916265100000","2016-05-18 18:41:49" "home","home-36497273a5a83c99","spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,","919359000001","hmshop","916265100000","2016-05-18 12:41:49" "home","home-46497273a5a83c99","spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,","919359000000","hmshop","916265100000","2016-05-18 14:41:49" "home","home-56497273a5a83c99","spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,","919359000000","hmshop","916265100000","2016-05-18 16:41:49"
here logstash config file...
vi logstash.conf input { file { path => "/tmp/head.txt" type => "csv" start_position => beginning } } filter { csv { columns => ["user", "messageid", "message", "destination", "code", "mobile", "mytimestamp"] separator => "," } } output { elasticsearch { action => "index" hosts => [""] index => "logstash-%{}" workers => 1 } }
i have confirmed above configuration working expected , 5 records stored 5 separate documents.
here docker command...
docker run -d -v "/tmp/logstash.conf":/usr/local/logstash/config/logstash.conf -v /tmp/:/tmp/ logstash -f /usr/local/logstash/config/logstash.conf
the problem need merge documents based on destination number. destination should id of document. there rows same destination. e.g. _id: 919359000001 document should have both following records nested objects.
"user": "home", "messageid": "home-26497273a5a83c99", "message": "spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,", "code": "hmshop", "mobile": "916265100000", "mytimestamp" : "2016-05-18 18:41:49" "user": "home", "messageid" "home-36497273a5a83c99", "message": "spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,", "code": "hmshop", "mobile": "916265100000", "mytimestamp": "2016-05-18 12:41:49"
elasticsearch correctly converting csv data json shown above. need reformat statement take advantage of scripting using update api following code working correctly.
post /test_index/doc/_bulk { "update" : { "_id" : "919359000001"} } { "script" : { "inline": "ctx._source.parent += ['user': user, 'messageid': messageid, 'message': message, 'code': code, 'mobile': mobile, 'mytimestamp': mytimestamp]", "lang" : "groovy", "params" : {"user": "home", "messageid": "home-26497273a5a83c99", "message": "spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,", "code": "hmshop", "mobile": "916265100000", "mytimestamp" : "2016-05-18 18:41:49"}}, "upsert": {"parent" : [{"user": "home", "messageid": "home-26497273a5a83c99", "message": "spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,", "code": "hmshop", "mobile": "916265100000", "mytimestamp" : "2016-05-18 18:41:49"}] }} { "update" : { "_id" : "919359000001"} } { "script" : { "inline": "ctx._source.parent += ['user': user, 'messageid': messageid, 'message': message, 'code': code, 'mobile': mobile, 'mytimestamp': mytimestamp]", "lang" : "groovy", "params" : {"user": "home", "messageid": "home-36497273a5a83c99", "message": "spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,", "code": "hmshop", "mobile": "916265100000", "mytimestamp" : "2016-05-18 12:41:49"}}, "upsert": {"parent" : [{"user": "home", "messageid": "home-36497273a5a83c99", "message": "spice xlife 350, 3.5inch android,", "code": "hmshop", "mobile": "916265100000", "mytimestamp" : "2016-05-18 12:41:49"}] }}
how code in logstash convert csv data above?
i have python code works expected. know how modify code suit "output" parameters suggested per answer. in following example, df_json python object nothing python dataframe flattened json.
import copy open('myfile.txt', 'w') f: doc1 in df_json: import json doc = mydict(doc1) docnew = copy.deepcopy(doc) del docnew['destination'] action = '{ "update": {"_id": %s }}\n' % doc['destination'] f.write(action) entry = '{ "script" : { "inline": "ctx._source.parent += [\'user\': user, \'messageid\': messageid, \'message\': message, \'code\': code, \'mobile\': mobile, \'mytimestamp\': mytimestamp]", "lang" : "groovy", "params" : %s}, "upsert": {"parent" : [%s ] }}\n' % (doc, docnew) f.write(entry) ! curl -s -xpost xxx.xx.xx.x:9200/test_index222/doc/_bulk --data-binary @myfile.txt; echo
update 2
i tried following configuration , replacing (not updating per script) documents.
output { elasticsearch { action => "index" hosts => [""] document_id => "%{destination}" index => "logstash3-%{}" workers => 1 script => "ctx._source.parent += ['user': user, 'messageid': messageid, 'message': message, 'code': code, 'mobile': mobile, 'mytimestamp': mytimestamp]" script_type => "inline" script_lang => "groovy" scripted_upsert => "true" } }
when changed action "update", following error...
:response=>{"update"=>{"_index"=>"logstash4-2016.07.29", "_type"=>"csv", "_id"=>"919359000000", "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"failed execute script", "caused_by"=>{"type"=>"script_exception", "reason"=>"failed run in line script [ctx._source.parent += ['user': user, 'messageid': messageid, 'message': message, 'code': code, 'mobile': mobile, 'mytimestamp': mytimestamp]] using lang [groovy]", "caused_by"=>{"type"=>"missing_property_exception", "reason"=>"no such property: user class: fe1b423dc4966b0f0b511b732474637705bf3bb1"}}}}}, :level=>:warn}
update 3
as per val's answer added event , error...
:response=>{"update"=>{"_index"=>"logstash4-2016.08.06", "_type"=>"csv", "_id"=>"%{destination}", "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"failed execute script", "caused_by"=>{"type"=>"script_exception", "reason"=>"failed run inline script [ctx._source.parent += ['user': event.user, 'messageid': event.messageid, 'message': event.message, 'code': event.code, 'mobile':, 'mytimestamp': event.mytimestamp]] using lang [groovy]", "caused_by"=>{"type"=>"null_pointer_exception", "reason"=>"cannot execute null+{user=null, messageid=null, message=, code=null, mobile=null, mytimestamp=null}"}}}}}
update 4
as per val's updated answer tried this...
script => "ctx._source.parent = (ctx._source.parent ?: []) + ['user': event.user, 'messageid': event.messageid, 'message': event.message, 'code': event.code, 'mobile':, 'mytimestamp': event.mytimestamp]"
and got error:
{:timestamp=>"2016-08-12t09:40:48.869000+0000", :message=>"pipeline main started"} {:timestamp=>"2016-08-12t09:40:49.517000+0000", :message=>"error parsing csv", :field=>"message", :source=>"", :exception=>#<nomethoderror: undefined method `each_index' nil:nilclass>, :level=>:warn}
only 2 records added database.
output plugin supports script parameters:
output { elasticsearch { action => "update" hosts => [""] index => "logstash-%{}" workers => 1 script => "<your script here>" script_type => "inline" # set language of used script # script_lang => # if enabled, script in charge of creating non-existent document (scripted update) # scripted_upsert => (default false) } }
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