c++ - Using Clang Static Analyzer in Eclipse CDT -

although theoretically possible integrate external static analyzer eclipse demonstrated here (i.e. cppcheck), wondering whether more date solution exists not require plug-in development? example existing plug-in, available option in codan or simplified version of above tutorial clang static analyzer specifically.

codecheckereclipseplugin eclipse plugin shows clang static analyzer , clang tidy defects c/c++ projects.

after installation can add cdt project "codechecker nature". software requirement must have clang , codechecker tools installed on machine. need set project builds from eclipse cdt. clang static analyzer called automatically on code whenever build project in eclipse.

the plugin call codechecker tool in background in turn calls analysis engines (tidy , static-analyzer) on build.

as extention clangsa, may suppress false positives using codechecker_suppress code comments like: // codechecker_suppress [deadcode.deadstores] suppress deadcode

the plugin hosted on github, see https://github.com/ericsson/codecheckereclipseplugin


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