clojure - Adding Google Maps to Luminus Reagent page? -

i'd add page containing google maps component luminus application can't figure out how this. i've tried follow reagent google maps guide map won't show.

this clojurescript code i've tried:

(ns test.maps   (:require [reagent.core :as r]))  (defn home-render []   [:div {:style {:height "300px"}}])  (defn home-did-mount [this]   (let [map-canvas (r/dom-node this)         map-options (clj->js {"center" (google.maps.latlng. -34.397, 150.644)                               "zoom"   8})]     (js/ map-canvas map-options)))  (defn map-page []   [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "<mykey>"}]   [:div.container    [:div.row     [:div.col-md-12      (r/create-class {:reagent-render      home-render                       :component-did-mount home-did-mount})]]]) 

i suspect not right way add script tags.

so question how add google maps component lumius application?

move [:script {:type "text/javascript" :src "<mykey>"}] static html page, in reagent example linked to.

if developer console of browser, getting app.js:337 uncaught referenceerror: google not defined.

placing script tags in reagent components bad idea because tags dynamic , cause script loaded several times through lifetime of page. want load script directly when page rendered first time.


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